Title: In a Tight Spot [Echizen/Shinji]
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 because there's not enough for a full grip.
Summary: Grip tape.
AN: Mousapelli's Birthday Theme 3: Abuse of sports equipment is a punishable offence
In a Tight Spot [Echizen/Shinji, PG-13] )
Comments 20
Rhythmn! *cackles* I love how you all the little details. ^^ Your Shinji is oh so much love. ♥
thank you! shinji's a trip.
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You completely outclassed the prompt. THE RETURN OF THE GRIP TAPE IN THE ONLY WAY IT SHOOOULD RETURN. And Shinji's so unsuspecting and taken advantage of, by RYOMA. HAHA. Oh, the shame.
And Tachibana's secret mobile tracking rivals even Inui's anal retentiveness. Fighto Tachibana!
Kamio's so jealous, and he's adorable, not I doubt anything can compare to Ryoma's totally IC "Spoto". Oh, teh cute, it burrrrns in the good way.
But really, you had me from Bad Luck.
Kamio and Tezuka should meet over buying the latest Gravitation manga, and then look quickly away and never mention it again, because it is such a dirty dirty secret.
I absolutely love when Kamio gets all riled up about things, and Tachibana tracking his teammates makes me snicker. He wants to make sure they aren't hero-worshipping anybody else!
*guffaws at the gravi manga*
"I've put tracking devices in all your phones," Tachibana said blandly.
AHAHAHAHAHA, and it's made all the more perfect that they all love their buchou so much they just take it as a good thing. "It's just like Tachibana-san to take care of us!" Sakurai grinned. <333
heheheh, Shinji/grip tape otp.
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