It seems like just yesterday I summed up my LAST semester...

May 04, 2005 09:00

Alright, friends, it's time again to sum up my semester and thank everything that made this semester possible. Keep in mind, if you have not looked at the TIME OF THIS POST, that it's 9:00 in the morning, so please make allowances in my coherence. First of all, I'd again like to thank MCC for being so freaking far from my house, and therefore forcing me to drive the freaking 40 minutes drive, three times a week, and wasting a tank of gas a week on that (oh the things we do for the sake of a low grade education). Next, I'd like to thank professor Frith, the male one, for being a stickler on timeliness, which almost killed me more than once. Thank you, Professor Frith, for giving me an hour a day to do just about anything but pay attention, including writing poems, making line leader lists, and generally trying hard not to fall asleep. Thank you, building 6 for not even HAVING A FREAKING BATHROOM IN THE WHOLE DANG BUILDING and therefore thank you, bathroom in the kercheck building, for having my back. (For those of you who are old school LJ readers, this is, indeed, the exploding toilet bathroom from my second semester.) (But apparently it forgave me for whatever it was so mad about.) A big shout out (lol, I'm showing my true colors, which is a gangsta rapper underneath this facade of a musical theater lover) to professor BUONANNO whom I love with the dearest of devotion. Seriously, if you're still stuck at good ol' MCC, take something with Buonanno- it'll almost make you happy to live in B-town. Buonanno, thank you for being short and bald, thank you for referring to yourself in the third person, thank you for loving words like "damn" and "hell," which elicited from us the middle school giggle accompanied with a teacher using profanity. THank you for being gay,Democratic, and an avid athiest, and for being so very vocal about all of that. Thank you for your love for Emily Dickinson, and Langston Hughes, and for reminding me why I'm a literature major. In parting, I say to you "The HELL does that mean?", and I throw my pencil on the floor in your memory. Thank you, lunch break, for being at a completely inconvienient time (11-12), and for all of my friends NOT having the same break time : ). Thank you Taco Bell, Sonic, Dimetrios,Marlyssa's, Subway, and Rick's sub shop for providing me with the 5 extra pounds my hips seem to have discovered. Thank you to my Hannah Leigh, for working at Marlyssa's and therefore allowing me to talk to someone over lunch. Thank you to Semerra (whose name I KNOW I spelled wrong) for accompanying me once. Thank you to Aaron, Ashley, and Tedmyhero for accompanying me another time. And MS. LEXI!!!! I so thoroughly enjoyed our lunches together, and getting to know you. I love you with all my hand, Ms. Lexi, I love you with all my hand. Thank you to my math professor, who never seemed to care taht I was at least 10 minutes late to math every day. Thank you to John in that class, who never came, and who I therefore credit with the fact taht I probably failed the final (because I was helping him instead of studying). Thank you to the professor, who wore very... creative... costumes to class everyday, making us feel more like we're in the circus instead of in a math class. Maybe it's a whole new way of learning... everyone should try it... except for Buonanno, of course, who already wears spandex Armani shirts every day (I know! I didn't know Armani made spandex either!). Thank you to Kathrine and... the other girl, who filled me in when I was done looking out the window wishing I was anywhere but there. Thank you to the kid in the first row who had a giant tatoo of a Swedish Beer Maid for reminding me why I haven't gotten a tatoo yet. Thank you, most of all, to Doug, the Hot Jock who sat next to me (see the summary of semester TWO) for making class delightfully entertaining and for hitting on me in new and various ways; it's refreshing to see that guys really can come up with new ways to do taht. Whenever I was feeling a bit down about myself, I could always count on the hot jock to lift my spirits. Moving on to what will be Hannah Leigh's favorite part of this summary; the bathroom. No, the bathroom first and then Hannah's favorite part (just WAIT, Hannah Leigh- be PATIENT!!! GOSH!). Thank you to the bathroom in bulding 18 for being so freaking far away from bulding 27, and therefore almost causing me to explode countless times as I haul my gigantic bookbag across campus on a more than full bladder. However, I must say that building 18's bathrooms have always had my back, being relatively clean and useable (haha I pulled "useable" out of my butt 'cause I didn't have another adjective). Thank you to Ms. Jett (here you go, Hannah)for being so understanding that due to my daily trek from 27, I was late every day. Thank you to Ms. Jett in general for being an alchoholic woman who used to (and I seriously think probably still does) smoke pot quite regularly. Quotes from this class as follows; "There's nothing wrong with marijuana- I used to smoke it all the time!" "The school didn't hasn't always been such a stickler on alchohol- my students and I used to have shots before classes all the time from the little flask I kept in my desk!" "I don't usually have trouble sleeping after a few blasses of brandy and a glass of wine." "Ms. Jett- what do you think of alchohol?" "I LIKE it!"
Mad props, Ms. Jett, for being such an enforcer of intoxicants. Thank you to Jerrod, who always made me smile with his little comments. Thank you to Jacob, for enlightening me on the Jewish faith, and for makign me laugh with his absolutely insane hair that WASN'T on purpose. Thank you to Austin, who found old and previously exhausted ways to hit on a girl and used them quite regularly with the unmistakeable confidence of a jock, and who brought in Jello shooters for his visual aid project (which dissapointed me, 'cause I really wanted Jello!). Thank you to Jonni, who shut me down, and who was a bit of an idiot ( in the girly, flirty way that I am not). Thank you to Rosie for being cute ('cause she was pregnant) and to Snehal and Chris, adamant lovers of drinking. Thank you to Christina and Michelle, who were cute and probably the best friends I made in that class. Thank you to Matteo, for being Italian (and therefore attractive) and for also being a big fan of drinking (alchohol was really the theme of speech class this semester). Thank you to David, for also being a fan of marijuana and vocalizing it frequently, and lastly, thank you to Olivia, for being from Canada ("Good Afternoooooon, I'm OOOOOOlivia!") and who had the guts to do her personal experience speech on how to artificially inseminate a cow. Thank you to my trusty truck, who lived through another semester with only a few complaints from the ol' AC. Thank you to various people throughout the day; to Ms. Lexi, whom I love, to Mr. Bierly, who brightened my day every time I saw him, to My Hannah Leigh, whose friendship I am more grateful for than food (unless I was starving, in which case I would be more grateful for than... umm... shoes). To Tim, who I hesitate to include, but who contributed to the overall experience of this semester. You brightened most days, and I am thankful for the time I spent with you. I definitely learned a lot from you and from being with you. To CVS pharmacy, for stocking green tea (which I bought everyday- how many children around the world could've been fed with THAT money!?). TO my good friend Dave, whom I'm happy to report I still talk to, and my Amber Tiffany, whom I also love more than shoes. And, of course, Trevor, who is my stability in life, and who I can depend on for anything. You got me through some rough times, T, and I am more grateful for that than shoes as well. (Please don't ask me where "shoes" came from, I credit it to the hour of morning.) Thank you to the hope of new opportunities and the fufillment of old ones. Thank you to the Bible for being so amazingly awesome and for setting the stage for each day. Thank you most of all to God, my savior, my rock, my comfort, my strength, my hope. Thank you, God, for the ability to move on. Thank you, God, for the strength you offer when I have none. Thank you, God, for the insights, the realizations, the hope of new horizons and dawning of every day. Thank you, God, for the joyous blessings You've mercifully bestowed on me, like my kids, and my friends, and my family. I definitely grew up a lot this semester, and am ready to see what the world holds for me; or rather, show the world what God holds for it.
And with that, this semester is closed.
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