Jan 04, 2007 10:33
i went to work yesterday sick as a dog. this girl which i will name nameless. was standing around playing with her hair. while i was geting back up in parts. dumb ass people now a days.
evil kitty i cant reply back on comment replys.
i hate webtv it wont let me really do anything i want. i need to find a real computer. well a cheap one. i found a cheap couch but i dont have 150 dallots for it. my check this week only gonna be 2 days and we need food. i hate living an adult life. i want to be a teen. but the best thing about living this life is charles aka deadpuppet. i did something strange while i was sleeping. i poke him in the eye. hahahahaha. i love him. i think it was poke of love....im still sick. plus itchy all over. i broke in to hives once again. i dont know why im doing it but i did. well bye bye for now i need to brush my hair and get my sexy ass to work.
froggy blessings