Dec 17, 2003 11:50
mon i went to new york. it was a good time. went to get celeste..and yeah, just call me jennifer carraba.
yesterday i went snowboarding with mugzy and celeste...maaaan was he hauling ass! he was going sooo sooooooo fast like woah. i couldnt keep up...we decided its becasue i got fat and cows dont fly so... yeah.
( really he just was going waaaay faster then ever..and my goal, to beat him)...(yeah rite)
but anyways today i wish to go to wlamrt and do the whole one hour photo thing with the pictures from ny which we dotn remeber all...even tho we took a whole roll?..weird.
last nite a had a horrible dream...2 actually.
1. i couldnt paint or draw or in was in som eart class and was trying but it just like was not working . my stuff kept looking like a two year old using crayons. horrrrible and i cried and stuff.
2. me cassie celeste and caitlin and mo were going up these realllly tall stair with little railngi son the sides and like they were in the open and you could see alll they way down to the bottom (we were realllly up high) but anyways i like froze near the top and it was really scary and i couldnt go any more and in was like in a cafeteria or soetmhing..but i stoped adn then caitlin came back and saved me.
** another weird dream i have alot is soemone steals my digital camera or i lose it..
so i decided im gonna go do soem art-like stuff..