i am here

Sep 01, 2005 12:31

i could make an apology for why i haven't updated recently, but livejournal just quit on me after i wrote a massive entry (over the course of a few days) about what has been going on. ajfklasjgklasjf;l; this is attempt number two

life is my typical whirlwind. left the cape (rather sadly) to move in with brad's family in melrose for a few days where i experienced the only real break break i've had all summer. we took the canoe out on the pond, spent a lot of time reading, and relaxing. made it back here to BC (good 'ol edmonds 924 for the second year running) in time to move all my things in, say quick goodbyes, and rush off to the beginning of student leader training and the two weeks of band camp to follow.

i am probably pissing off my two band roommates (same from last year...) and the two other bandos currently staying with us until they can move into their off-campus apartments because i call brad the second i get back at night and i talk to him online every opportunity and chance i have.

but i don't care.

try something: live with someone for three months. see him everyday. sleep with him. cook with him. shop with him. spend every moment (with mostly the exception of work) with him.


then leave him completely for two weeks

it hurts and it sucks. every morning when i wake up i reach for him. and there is no one there. only an empty bed. sleep is restless and, despite the fact that i'm at band from 9am - 11pm its hard to fall asleep. there is no comfort there any more.

john williams (our first show) is coming along really well. i've been sitting on the sideline a lot, watching. (making an attempt to preserve/take care/not ruin my knees completely) at least this year i am able to do something helpful by making sure the bones are doing what they need to be doing.

i hate watching.

the first time we put the music to the marching was the emergence of that great feeling - the one i missed all last year. hearing our sound fill up empty alumni stadium, bouncing through the empty seats. it is a great, fabulous feeling. working together in complete synchronicity with 180 other people to great a beautiful, rich, deep, full sound.

"i am here" shouted the dust speck
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