Hmmm, got a PP to do, I signed up for the last day so... We'll see how that goes.
Big news, I got a freaking 98 on my final oral exam in Japanese!!! *Happy dance* I'll be even happier if I can ace the written part as well. Hmmm, well I'm mostly waiting for Jeffrey right now.
I feel all bad because he asked me out for today, and he was so sweet about it... and I had to shoot him down for several reasons. It sucks because he had some things planned because he wanted to celebrate my birthday.
Hmmm, well I don't really have anything to say. I think I'm going to go watch some TV or something.
Take the quiz:
"what kind of j-rocker are you?"
hardcore fucking j-rocker
you are a hardcore fucking j-rocker,...if not you'd make one hell of a fan ..i like you