The rarest genre of them all!

Feb 17, 2012 12:22

Whew, it’s been a long time since I posted.  Hell, it’s been a long time since any of you posted.  Is blogging slowly starting to get replaced by stupid things like Twitter and Facebook?  Listen, no one cares if I’m currently eating a doughnut, so I’m not going to buy into the Twitter world. 

I could post about my life and new developments, but no one cares.  I’ll just give you a brief synopsis: I’m doing pro bono work for a non-profit civil rights organization.  There.  Done. 

(It's considerably more dull than this picture)

On to more important issues, we’re going to be talking about the rarest movie genre of them all.  This is sort of a crossover genre that has very few entries because there really is no audience.  Like five people like these movies.  I’m number three.  Number four is an asshole and number two has a real girl.  It’s a small club.  The genre is science fiction/romances.  Now you’re thinking wait, nearly every science fiction movie has a romance plot.  True, most sci-fi movies have a romance subplot.  Star Wars is a perfect example.  The A-plot is Luke’s mission to rid the galaxy of the empire and defeat his father, the B-plot is Leia and Han’s budding romance.  But the romance is only the subplot.  A science fiction romance has the romance as the A-plot and is set in a futuristic world, or has a sci-fi story telling device.

There are, and feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, only six entries into the genre.  I’m excluding fantasy-romances because those are a dime a dozen.  Your Princess Brides, your Stardusts and your Legends.  I suspect the reason there are so many more fantasy-romance movies is because there’s something about medieval Europe that seems inherently romantic to people - which makes no sense because there’s nothing romantic about the bubonic plague and not bathing.

Without further ado, here are the only six entries into this rare, rare genre.

1.   6.    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Jim Carey attempts to forget the ever beautiful Kate Winslet by having bits of his memory literally erased.  It’s weird, but it’s beautifully shot and Carey’s time with memory-Winslet is definitely touching.

2.   5.    The Lake House

Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves are united again!  This was during that weird period where people actually felt that Keanu could be the leading man in romantic movies.  “Sweet November” and “A Walk in the Clouds” are some other examples.  The framing device is stupid, but it is science-fiction-y.  These two are separated by time and can only communicate through a time traveling mail box at a lake house.

3.   4.    The Adjustment Bureau

I haven’t seen this one.  I just know it exists.  I have trouble bringing myself to watch Matt Damon movies that aren’t “Good Will Hunting” or “Dogma.”

4.   3.    The Time-Traveler’s Wife

If you don’t know, I love Rachel McAdams.  I think the woman just has a great smile.  This one’s a bit of a downer as you see her fall in love with and marry a man who keeps popping in and out of different periods in time.  Eric Bana puts in another great performance and really rounds out this movie.  Prepare for at least a few tears.  Also, it’s set in Chicago!

5.   2.    Love Potion #9

There are so many Sandra Bullock movies where she starts out frumpy and ends up beautiful.  Sandra Bullock and Tate Donovan are scientists that make this formula that makes them seem attractive.  Invariably, the pair fall in love themselves.  Predictable nineties schlock that I still really like and watch on rainy days.

6.  1.     TiMER

This is probably the best of the lot as not only is it a romance that utilizes a sci-fi storytelling device, it actually asks some big questions about love and predestination.  Can you love and be happy with anyone you want or do we all have one person we’re supposed to be with?
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