OOC Information:
Name: Aki
Age: 20
AIM: kuramal0ver
E-MAIL: just message me please.
IC Information:
Name: Matthew Williams, or Canada.
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Timeline: Modern Times (i.e. 2010)
Age: Biologically he is 19, however he has been alive since settlers first arrived in what is now Canada.
Appearance: Matthew has long kind of curly blonde hair, France claims that his hair's wave and sheen comes from him, however, France just likes to brag so we will ignore that. He has dark blue sometimes violet looking eyes and wears circular wire framed spectacles. He has an ahoge, or cowlick, in the form of a long single curl that sticks out near the front of his hair. He looks almost identical to his twin brother Alfred, so much so that most people can't tell the difference and mistake him for his brother, America. The main differences however are his slightly longer hair and darker eyes.
Abilities: While not an ability as much as a curse Matthew is invisible. Not in a metaphorical sense, people literally have a hard time seeing him in a room, and their eyes tend to pass over him even when they are looking in his direction. When he talks its often quiet sounding, even when he is shouting, and in fact, Matthew has been mistaken for a ghost canonically at least once. As he gets to know people they start to be able to see him more easily and people who are ignored can see him better than people who are usually the center of attention, so his invisibility is not guaranteed, however more often than not he goes by unnoticed, whether he wants to be or not.
Furthermore, as the personification of a nation it is sort of impossible for Matthew to "die" as such he can sustain really grievous injuries, more so than a human, and come through alive. However, this is never really clarified in canon so feel free to assume that getting his head chopped off or something like that would incapacitate him and for all intensive purposes he would be "dead" and need to be revived and receive a death roll.
Personality: Canada's personality is a bit contradictory. He's quiet, but opinionated, fiery yet reserved. Because of his invisibility problem he often thinks a lot before he ends up speaking and getting mixed up for his brother all the time has also caused him to be a bit shy. He has trouble being honest with people but once he gets to know them well enough he won't hold back. His cynical nature means he can be a harsh critique, but he has the wits to hold back his sharp tongue, except where his brother is concerned. More of a diplomat and less of an isolationist then America he has a stronger skill set when it comes to dealing with people. He likes to avoid conflict where he can, but this does not mean he is incapable of fighting back.
Canada's biggest dream is to make a mark on the world and stop getting confused for his brother all the time, however nothing has worked so far. This may be in part due to his lazy nature. Perhaps, lazy is not the best word to describe it, however Matthew often fails to see the point in even trying and despite wanting to be recognized so badly he can't even correctly recall his own pets name, he is a long way off from accomplishing his goal. One of the few people Matthew can really be himself around his his brother, who he yells at and harps on without remorse. He is too shy and holds back around most other people.
History: Please not, Canada the character's history is of course going to be different than Canada the actual country, incidents written about here have been interpreted to fit the characters personality and incidences seen in canon.
No one really knows how nations are born or even if they are born at all. Not even nations themselves. Canada was found in the, what is now, Canadian wilderness by France. He was a dense and naive child, but he was happy, he grew up for a while under France, however, after France lost a war to England, he also lost ownership of Canada. Being around the age of a human toddler at the time Canada didn't really understand what had happened other than that he couldn't see his Big Brother France anymore. He was England's responsibility now. Despite this he managed to remain cheerful, it was under England's tutelage that Canada learned much about what it meant to be a nation.
Canada first met his, assumed to be twin brother (not being born makes it hard to say you're a twin) while in England's custody when the older nation took him to meet him. Although America was instantly bored with his soft spoken twin, the two were brothers and over the years grow to be very close. One point of contention between the two of them has always been America's favored status. Despite being almost identical to his brother in every way, England simply wanted Canada in order to take something from France and clearly favored America more, to this day England still has a lot of trouble remembering his younger brother's/son's name, where as France can recall it easily and America can, when he sees him, although since he is kind of a jerk he will sometimes pretend to forget in order to piss Matthew off.
The American Revolution marked a dramatic change in Matthew's relationships with several nations. Most decidedly differently was Matthew began to be treated as "the good son" by England and was used by him as a sort of emotional revenge against his brother. This distanced him from his brother, as did his refusal to rebel with his stronger twin. Since he was still under England's control it was especially hard for him when France joined the war on his brother's side, as England was essentially using him to help fight against not only Alfred but the man who had originally raised him.
Afterwards America and Canada didn't talk to each other much, eventually the war of 1812 started and it ended badly for both brothers with both of them experiencing severe burn injuries. It wasn't too long before Matthew got a little fed up of it all and attempted to reform his own government and rebel a little himself. The end result of this was England getting pissed that France had been rubbing off on him and trying to make Canada "completely English." It was not through violence but with more peaceful negotiations that Canada through time was able to gain more independence from England. Eventually after some other stuff the Dominion of Canada was born on July 1, 1867. Of course this is a loosely interpreted and brief history and tons of other stuff happened but this is the most important early years stuff.
Having been England's colony for longer he is closer than America to England's other colonies, and in addition to this has a close relationship with the Netherlands and some other countries as the result of the world wars as well.
Roleplay Sample - Log: Canada stirred. The act of waking usually a peaceful experience. However, this time something felt off. He didn't remember falling asleep, and opening his eyes he realized, he wasn't sure where he was. The place was completely white, and felt so surreal. Was it a dream? Had he dozed off at a world meeting? He pinched himself and said ow when he felt it.
That was when the panic set in. He immediately sat up and looked around. He saw no one, not even Kumakijaji.. That was his name right? Not even he was anywhere to be found. He tried to tell himself everything was going to be fine and not to jump to conclusions, but as tears sprang to his eyes he knew staying calm was going to be difficult. He saw what looked like a blackberry on a desk in the room he'd woken up in. It wasn't hard to make the decision to try and call for help.
Roleplay Sample - Journal -Video Entry:
[As he speaks, he tries to keep his voice steady, but he's clearly distraught. The corners of his eyes are moist with held back tears.]
Uh, hello? Anybody? I'm... not really sure what's going on here.
Please.. help?
Questions? Comments? Crazed and creative statements? Those go here.
The one question I have is if, even though he will be in fac, if real life events will continue to effect him, like getting sick when his economy is down and etc. Those sorts of events are pretty much the equivalent of a "canon update" for him.