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May 05, 2007 01:43

I'M back.Been too busy with work and sewing to post.The 2 tiered  sage green dress formaly known as the 3 tiered dress still needs to have the hem put in on both tiers trimed and hooks and eyes.I took the plaid sleeves apart totaly because they had this weird curve thingie going on in the front.Think sled runners and elf shoes.There better now they dont stand out in front of my arm now but they still need sewed back in place. Also am making a new chemise,from the 1850s pattern in "Period Costume For Stage And Screen" with a couple changes. I wanted something with smaller sleeves then my simplicty one.Nothing fancy just comfortable.And I found the most beautiful black cotton gauze whit a cross hatch sort of pattern in it to make a black sheer dress.$1.00 a yard at Walmart.One of those wow finds. Also got the 3 new simplicty civil war dress patterns...Cant wait to try the white one...but not in white, me ...in white... at a renactment...jeeze..I'm the one who dumped a whole plate of stew on my self at Burton last year.And came home with mud caked to my knees all around the hem of that dress. Tore a big strip of the trim off of my  blue dress at summer on 4th st this year. Had a guy step on the bottom of my ball gown and tear the waist stiching out at ORMB.[thank heavens for safety pins and pals].I adore white..but I'm a clutzt
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