Sales People Have A Life Too,Ya Know!!!!!

Apr 15, 2007 23:31

Realy bad day at work today. Sunday's are normaly bad,but today was worsened by the fact that we had 2 people in charge who....1. shouldnt EVER be totaly in charge of anything. period! and 2. Shouldnt ever be alowed to work togather! Rember the saying about the power of stupid people in groups. Worsend by an incdent that happened almost 15min. aftre we closed...the entrence door got knocked out of it's track,buy someone bringing in carts. Another girl[a pal of mine] was trying to fight it back in place so we could get it shut and locked,She got it back on track and I checked the switch to make sure it was off and locked..A guy and a lady come up.and ask me through the glass if were closed? I say ,yea were closed! [ like no duhh, I just enjoy standing inside stores waiting for you to come alonge and hold doors shut ,brainless] the guy starts to beat on the door with the palms of both hands and says to me ,open the door NOW ! I say, no. were closed he keeps on beating the door hard with both hands and I'm holding the door aginst him just hopeing he dont knock it off the track again...What on earth makes people behave like that.? Finaly they left...jezze! It's a hardware store..not like we have your dying babys life saveing drug or some thing.  Shoppers act like you have no life at all ,your never tired, your never hungery,you have no home, no family, nothing. they close the store and you crawl under the counter and wait egeraly for them to come back next morning...give me a break.
 In other news my 3tired dress has been given a revamping due to a mis cuting on my part.opps.It's now 2 tier. To make it 3 tier I'd have had to go back and get about 4 more yards..can you!   this dress is a money pit as it is I had to go back and find a solid colour lineing [2yards of it]  for the sleeves rember,I wont sink any more money into this dress.
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