A chorus of voices are chanting in
Crap City at the base of Mount Awesome!
"Out of control! I can't help how I feel! My life is so sad! Only an insane person wouldn't be angry if they were me! The world is so horrible, how can anyone be happy?"
We spend so much of our time trying to justify how we feel, we don't pay attention to the most important part. Where we return to normal!
Of course we all feel sad or angry or depressed sometimes, but if you feel sad long enough you might start to think of that as your natural, neutral state. You've let a temporary circumstance define your permanent state!
If you imagine your mood on a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being the miserable pit of despair and 10 being the highest peaks of awesome awesomeness that you can barely imagine, your natural, neutral state would be a 5, right?
Not true! Some people let their neutral state slip as low as 2! When they wake up in the morning they start at a 2! Imagine that! That means if you have a really great day, you might hit a 3 or a 4.
Of course, you could always choose to have your neutral state be a 6 or 7. Or an 8, if it were that easy. But there is NO WAY that anyone could just pick their neutral state. To start every day remembering what it feels like when you are at an 8 and starting off from right there. Maybe you could link remembering how it feels to be that AWESOME to some simple act you do every morning, like getting out of bed, brushing your teeth or putting on your shoes. That's if you were some kind of SUPER GENIUS.
But, wait, you are a SUPER GENIUS!
In fact, if a SUPER GENIUS starts to adjust their mood, they soon find that their 8 is really a 5 and that 10 has grown to be EVEN MORE FANTASTIC AND AWESOME! And the cycle never stops. Neutral just keeps getting better.
Stop settling for the frame of mind that you just end up with and work to get the mood you want and deserve. Promise yourself to raise your neutral by at least 1 step today!
Don't settle for average days when you could have an AWESOME day!