
Sep 25, 2009 12:20

When I get a job, I intend to stay at that job for at least 1 year. I think it will look good on my resume (or at least it won't look bad like the alternative might), and it'll teach me a lesson of some kind, I'm sure.

The hard part is, of course, committing.

Say I'm offered a really well-paying job, doing something I don't especially want to do. Should I take it and end my job hunt and get paid the big bucks? Or should I hold out for that dream job?

Say I'm offered a job doing what I love but getting paid 10, or even 20K less. I'd like to think that I'd take it in a heartbeat. But, what if I'm still waiting to get that job offer, and job 1 is offered to me already. What do I say? How long can I postpone my decision?

What if job 3 exists: a job doing what I really want to do, and getting paid well? Is it ok to wait for that job to come along? Can I afford it? Is it ok to accept job 1 or 2, and still apply to job 3 even though I'd already be working another job (that I would have just started)? Would I even be hired?

I have a few pretty specific areas in which I would like to work.

I respect other areas tremendously, but am not passionate about them.

And a few areas I wouldn't even consider applying because they disinterest me so much.

I love my degree because it is in a field with a lot of opportunities. As a result, I'm getting slightly concerned that whatever job I get will give me that specific experience and it'll make me less marketable for different jobs in the future. (I know this isn't true because of the huge amount of overlap.... in the end it's all dietetics anyway, but I'd like to strive for what I really want now instead of planning on doing it in the future... although I also know that I gotta start somewhere.)

Mmmm. Decisions decisions.

What if David supports me fully, including paying my students loans? And my contribution will be home-management and baby-raising (if we decide we want that soon), and perhaps some part-time teaching. I kinda like that, but ultimately neither us want that, at least not now. I want a damn career, not just letters after my name.

job hunt

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