Mar 26, 2004 03:26
SO im make this short and swweet sinei m drunk and have to piss, I have had the best couple days in my life since D has been back, I mean hes eveyrtign to me.. I lvoe him soo mucch I have soo much fun, in 5 days we have downed 13 30 packs easily... I dont even think bout bitches anymore ciuz Irock it with D and we invented the pimp game.. Ill jsut say tongiht we went to leslies and Shes is amajor douch but we had fun and got durhnk. Derek turned 21 tongiht at 1200 onm march 26./ IM trashed and as we speak my mom knows I am shes like ejremy its 330 and your trashed and I said absolutely.Well me and derek went to the malkl 2 times today seconde time met up with nick and jessie and then saw oshm wentto bugaboo then to Nicks house then played cards. kiced some ass intil we played screw yoru naeighbor and lost like 5 busxks but made like 13 on the night thats cool. well went ot leslies wit h D and hess shopwed and web ma andzack and brnet and josh andweall dfunneled ber and got shitfaces and I lvo that more than anythign.. i lvoe these guys and it maeks me want tro cry when theyare around i would die for htmew. D iu mean soo much to me and I appreciateeverhtign u do. and I lvoe u soo much no girl will taker ur placeas my friendd.. ur soo pimp. me and D aredrunk andso is other people/ And itslike 330 Am sao i gotta wae up soo nto dirnk some moree with ZD and party.. holla lata foolzz