May 28, 2006 17:29
So wow.. I have actually managed to start keeping up with this for multiple days at a time..GO ME.. Now where did I last leave off...oh yes..
So Last night I got to have a great 2 hour convo with Alaexa..not quite the life altering event I was in the mood for but I think both of us were WAY too tired to think that much. To be honest I dont even remember that much of what we talked about. Although I did have amazing powers over the woodland creatures (especially bullfrogs) had to be there but it was scary cool. We really just chilled by the old pond till about 2 am and then i drove her home and went to bed myself. However it was a realy great time. I've missed being able to do things I can do with her, and talking like that. Not trying to be cryptic..nothing happened..its just that I communicate differently with girls then i do with guys. Dont know what it is but they make me feel closer and more open then guys do. Anyways.I've been missing that and she helped give me a sense of that last night. Hopefully sometime within the next few weeks I can ge all my shit straightened out and get a few friends together (that I havent seen in quite a while) and we can go hit a club or go out for a long midnight walk or something.. or hell just go out for drinks a someones apartment.. I dont care.. I just miss that college aspect of hanging out with people and doing whatever whenever... AND I REALLY miss my old CHHS friends that I used to be so close with and now havent talked to SINCE HS. *sigh*
Anyways... John's sucked today but I survived the exhaustion and got to leave 15 minutes early... I've lost all my money to the gas demons (and a wonderful new pair of Adidas Diamond King cleats ^_^) but its ok.. thats why I took a second job that pays like 150-200 a and I get paid bi-weekly so I cant even touch it for two weeks forcing me to save it. Well.. I think that is all for now.. oh and the x-rays came back negative which means whatever is wrong with me is something along the lines of muscular, tendons, ligaments, nerves, etc.. YAY. -_-...grrr.. Good news is that I have been wearing braces so long that no one can tell if there is any well I'll leave all of you on that dreadful note and go help with dinner.. later..bye