Drabbles Requests

Jun 04, 2011 19:49

So I got this idea from cafebreaks' recent call for pair/prompts, and I thought it would be interesting to take on the challenge myself. :D

However, since I don't really know much about other pairings, I'll be limiting requests to YongSeo only (although I won't say no to a Lizzy pairing, either... ;) ). If you want to see a short drabble about whatever topic you choose, please leave it as a comment, along with a decent prompt that I can work with - a story outline, setting, media of any kind.

I'll be accepting all prompts, on the condition that there will be no set timeline for release - so you may be waiting quite a while!

Have at it!

PS. Posted with full permission of the moderators.

oneshot, rating: g

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