043 [Action/Written]

Jul 01, 2011 14:22

[Saleh starts his day by going to the Barracks, working on the mastery of his magic. He easily casts Elfire on the dummy, burning it to a crisp. And then he pulls out his Divine tome and extends his arm to cast the spell...but nothing happens. Startled, he tries again, but still no result. He then glances down at the incantation in the pages, and he could feel it. The deep understanding of the spell is lost. Guess who just discovered his death penalty.]

[Putting his tome away, he brings out his staff and releases its magic briefly. He sighs with relief; at least he can still heal. He takes a break from his training and picks up his journal.]


Great Dragon...it seems I can no longer wield light-based magic. I can only assume that this is the penalty I have suffered for my recent death.

I had believed that I would give my life for my duty, to protect Lady Myrrh without hesitation. But my death these weeks past has made me rethink this. I gave my life to save Rydia without a second thought, an admittedly reckless move on my part. I just couldn't let her die. That was my only thought.

In my own world, I would not have the opportunity to reflect upon this. If anything, this makes me fear death even more. Soldiers would give their lives to protect their country, their families, their honor. I had felt the same. However, if I do lose my life, I can no longer fulfill my duty. It is a sacrifice that cannot be undone. And if this leads to failure, then the sacrifice would be for naught.

I realize that sometimes sacrifices must be made, but a life is too precious. One must think more carefully about making that ultimate sacrifice.

Great Dragon, I am so torn. Does this make me a coward?

action, death penalty, written

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