Remember this the next time you ask to use someone else's phone. ;)
Toilet Texting, Bathroom Browsing On The Rise, Study SaysThere's no escape from smartphones these days, not even in the bathroom. In fact, a new study says that 75 percent of Americans admit to using their smartphones while on the toilet.
Toilet texting is particularly popular among those 28 to 35-years-old, with a reported 91 percent of that age group admitting to the habit.
Even more disturbing, 1 in 5 men admit to taking it a step further by phoning into business meetings from the bathroom. But they aren't alone; 13 percent of women also owned up to joining conference calls from the can.
Men and women are pretty much equal when it comes to general usage, though. Approximately the same number of men (74%) and women (76%) have used the phone in the bathroom.
As testimony to our society's communication obsession, 24 percent of mobile users reported they actually don't go to the bathroom without their phones.