Suprised by perspective

Aug 05, 2006 06:49

Ever feel suprised by another person being startled by something that seems commonplace to you?

Every season has a distinct feel to it for me. While there are certain overt conditions that are indicative of these seasons (such as snow, changing leaves, spring flowers, etc.), seasons seem more defined for me by a feeling I get or notice. Mostly things that seem like they have a physical cause, but are subtel enough that they don't fully register consciously but instead are noticed as a feeling, one that's almost intuitive. The kind of thing you could walk outside with your eyes closed and just know.

Yesterday at work (I work out in the feild all day) I notice the beginings of autumn. It didn't feel like summer was over yet, but that autumn was not far off and was sending subtle cues that it would be here before long. I mentioned the preminition of change independently to two of my co-workers who also spend most of their lives outside. I was suprised by the fact that each of in turn them seemed genuinly starteled by this comment. Each of them looked bewildered for a moment, took in the world around them, and then agreed with suprise that it did feel like autumn was on the way, but not here yet. It was a little bit like watching someone's world expand a little.

I think what left me so bewildered about the exchange was that both of these people seem to be more aware of the enironment than me, especially while out in the feild. They also both seemed genuinly surprised by the idea of sensing a seasons aproach. Not in a negative way, but they both seemed rather startled that this could be noticed and was happening at the time. I love to see people's world views and consciousness expand into new relms. But this time the experience left me a little off balance. I'm guessing it's mostly because this was something that feels so inherant in life and living in this world. The idea of this being a new concept to people who spent so much time outside took me quite off gaurd. It left me wondering what parts of the way I see the world (here I mean what I observe, not what I think of it) are shared by others and what aren't. And again my curiosity brims with the thought of what I might not be seeing that is fundamental to other's views and perspecitves.
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