From a recent article I was interviewed for

Sep 06, 2013 14:39

Lifestyle magazines ask odd questions. Here is a copy of my answers. If anyone is interested. Inui

Have you ever eaten with both fork and spoon, at the same time?: Yes

When's the last time you bled a lot?: A lot? I'm not certain that I've ever bled a lot. Just normal amounts.

Have you ever watched a needle go into your own skin?: Yes.

Have you ever seen someone get a piercing/tattoo?: No

Are you currently full or hungry?: Neither.

Has a taste of something ever made you smile?: Not to my knowledge.

When you're done eating finger foods, do you usually lick your fingers?: No.

Who was the last person to hit you in the stomach?: My grandfather, in the dojo.

Would you ever snap your cell phone in half, if you could get a better one?: Of course not.

Do you think twenty-two is old?: No.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?: Professional tennis player

Are you planning on going to college?: Yes

Do you know someone that is/was abused by their parents?: Yes

Define 'ugly' in your own terms: Poor sportsmanship.

Does your cell phone have a touch screen?: No

Do you like strawberry and banana smoothies?: Yes

What's the most racist thing you have ever said?: I have no idea.

Would you cuss the person you hate the most out to their face?: No.

Abortion: murder or it's fine?: I'm male, this is not my call.

Do you know someone that is mute, deaf or blind?: Yes.

Have you ever spent more than two weeks in a wheelchair?: No.

Have you ever watched static on the television for more than five minutes?: No.

When you cry, do you hyperventilate?: No.

Is tapioca pudding nasty to you?: No.

Is pudding nasty period?: No.

What are you favourite word[s]?: Yudan sezu ni ikou

Is there a lot of drama in your life?: No.

Do you drink straight from the bottle, instead of getting a cup?: No.

Have you ever been in a taxi?: Yes

Do you listen to modern music or classic music?: Both

Is your keyboard/mouse wireless?: No

Can you hook up your computer to your television?: Why would I want to?

Is there a flashdrive in your CPU right now?: No

How many times have you had the hiccups today?: None

Why do they even call it 'hiccups'?: Ask Inui

Does weed smell good? Or no?: If weeds smell good, aren't they flowers?

Where do you see your closest friend in ten years?: Same place I see him now.

What's your favourite horror movie?: n/a

Foamy the Squirrel: awesome or retarded?: I'm sorry, I don't know who this is.

Are/were you loud in class?: No.

Do you cut out coupons but end up never using them?: No.

What the hell is a panda kisses piercing?: I don't know. Ask Inui.

Name all the ways you can say 'goodbye': 1

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