Title: The Long Road - 6
Theme + Number: #88 Uncertainty
Claim: Rosa (challenge)
Characters/Pairings included: None
Rating: K
Warnings: None.
Writer's Notes: I'm hitting a busy snag in my life. A shift of tense here; I forget if the tense must remain consistent across ALL chapters of a tale, but this felt right.
Summary: Having escaped Kain, Rosa
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Comments 2
I must confess that I haven't finished my Rosa fanart yet, don't know when I will either, but I made quite some progress with my Rosa cosplay :)
I'll be interested to see your Rosa fanart when you do it. No rush! Often if something is rushed to get it out there, it's not very good. I break that rule myself a few times if I get really bothered that it's not getting done. And costume pictures! I hope to see those when you're done with the costume.
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