In case you're interested...

Sep 23, 2008 00:20

This is what I've been doing all night. There are a bunch more, as well.

image Click to view

It's a dramatic reading of the worst fanfiction ever.'ll come up as number one if that's what you google.

It's called "My Immortal" and is a Harry Potter story about a "goffik" girl named Ebony (Enoby, Enobby, Ebondy) who is a vampire witch with straight white teeth. She never has to wear a school uniform and likes to have lots of sex with Draco (and by "sex" I mean, "Then he put his thingy into my you-know-what and we did it for the first time." No...seriously). Also, Everyone in the world is in love with her, but if you "flam the stroy u r a prepz." should check it out. Here's the link to the story:

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