Apr 09, 2009 10:03
It's bad enough the I have the worst case of spring/cabin fever ever. It's bad enough that I keep asking my advisor when I can come to see her about registering for next year (which the date for is totally past) and she is ignoring me. And that have family stress going on which I am trying to ignore for now but somehow it keeps popping up. And on top of that:
My flashdrive is AWOL.
I would say MIA but I think he just bailed on me. Flat out left. Had him last week for something I was showing a teacher, in my hand then he went in my pocket and then he vanished. WTF I HAVE A PRESENTATION TODAY THAT I AM GONNA HAFTA TELL MY TEACHER SORRY MY TECHNOLOGY RAN AWAY. I have a backup copy usually of stuff but I hadn't taken the time recently to back up this ONE THING that had my outline AND PowerPoint and the whole speech typed up. UGH.
Internet hugs are appreciated.
UPDATE: My teacher rocks. She's gonna let me present Tuesday and only dock ten points. I always give stellar presentations so I think I will be good.
this is re-cock-ulous,
save me...please