Jan 02, 2010 20:34

When you are listening to itunes on shuffle your mood can change in a instant depending on what piece of music this program decides you are going to be hearing next. Currently playing: Theme song to Jurassic Park. Who knows what could come next? Probably punk. That's what you get for sharing your itunes with another individual.

This is all very uninteresting in the grand scheme of things, only I mention it because I am not claiming accountability for the mood/s of this entry. You have been forewarned.

Beats. I am moving. bobbing up and down in my chair. Thanks Papas Fritas. You know what I need.

This is another year yes. Meaningful? Well it is what it is and it is what you make it. Get it? No? That's okay, you're probably smarter than me.

So my year is beginning with retrospection, of course. But I think I'm ready to purge the past and get on with my fucking life already. Memories are great and all, but since coming home I feel like I'm already starting to regress. Yes, living with the folks does NOT help this in any way, but money needs to come first. Then dreams. Right? Dreams are seeming more and more unrealistic as the time presses on. Am I out of my league? Do I know what the hell I am doing? Or even what I'm trying to do? Answer me this wise one.

So I probably wasn't as unhappy as I thought I was in Canada. I don't like Toronto. No. I don't, really! But there are a few little things that I miss. Like feeling unique. the accent certainly helped. That is one thing I feel less and less like here. Why is that? I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of mediocrity. A little melodramatic, yes, but hell! I don't want to walk the trodden path, and now I'm scared I'm unwittingly doing it. Not to be different for different's sake. I don't want to grow old and die. I mean, yes, I know this is inevitable, but I want to make sure it is one hell of a ride all the way there. Stagnation. this is what I fear. Gotta keep moving rather than sinking into a "comfortable existence". And SO many people are happy with this. Am I denying basic instincts? My purpose as an organism of the human kind on this planet. Or maybe I should just keep the basic and reject the imposed.

This is where I stand 2010. You were 2009 two days ago, but seriously, you are just two days ago, and nothing more than that. Show me that you can be something special. I beg of you.

Check in sometime later. Peace all. OR not peace, if that's what you prefer. Have fun.
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