Jul 18, 2005 17:47
This is the last possible lj entry from my house in Tokyo. I'm moving on friday - actually getting on a plane and leaving my home (for the past 7 yrs) to go to Tucson where i know NO ONE and have no friends :(. The only good thing is our pool (which i will live in) and that its not humid and i can finally make merangie - which btw i have never learned to spell - only to make, serve and eat. I have been rebelling in everyway possible, and dont even know where to begin to pack. I dont want to go at all.
ROZ! _ YOu get back wednesday you said - call my cell - I will have it until the morning of the 22nd!! we can't have said goodbye at all.
EVERYONE!!! PLEASE CALL ME AND SAY SOMETHING - ANYTHING let me know your still alive, and that you love me. I'll prolly call most of you too...but dont count on it.
RUTTER - I hope you have my cd! (ahah actually i dont really need it, i have all the mp3's...but still.
If i'm going out my last night, I will let all you important ppl know, join me! :D I will miss everyone that i have a slim chance of ever seeing again, its so depressing, I need to go dive into a book and forget the present world.