YOU KNOW ME SO WELL! I feel very ashamed, i don't think i knew u as well... :'( but still i LOOOVE u and wow. haha wub u much!! But seriously, very very cool. I dont want to leave you, I'm gonna miss you so much hun! sniff.
IT IS NEVER SAD THAT WE ARE TALKING on Msn too!! Now it would be pushing it if we were on the phone as well, but i have a NEW theory on life. talk to your friends/boyfriends as much as you can, as many ways as possible! Ur welcome for the grad card, hoping to cry with you there!
2. Take a stab at my middle name: marie. <-- i knew that from awhile ago actually... from another quiz like this hahaha ( ... )
how sad is it that we're talking on msn as well? lol.
and oh my god. i will be SOBBING. especially while i sing. man. im gonna die.
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