Jun 30, 2003 22:59
do u know how much i hate this? a lot. a lot. a lot. if theres one thing i cant stand its this. people have to understand one thing about me. it has happened too many times to me where i have put my complete trust into one person and then have it ripped right out of my hands. it happend once this year and im scared to have that happen again. only this time its with a lot of people. one of the main things that made me mad was that for months i reminded people about it then NO ONE showed up. not single person. i wasn't told or anything. just an empty row. i called a person and heard people in the background, and figured it was a party and i was right. If someone was in my place, how exactly would u feel? not too good too find some of ur friends at a party. then i know i dragged everything out. and now i know im sorry for it. i have a problem with stopping....but its because i want to get my point across...im forever thinking that one day i will end up with no friends as what happened when i was little. i dont even know how my first fight progressed...cause i wasnt even really mad at her. i was probably still dragging things out from what happened previously in the year. i still ahve never gotten over what happened.(you know waht im talking about) i just dont want that to happen with anyone else, but seems to be the way its going. anyone who knows me really well knows that this is not easy for me to put in words. i ahve never had a way for putting thoughts in my head on paper, or for actually expressing my feelings. but now...im sorry. its prob too late for it, but o well. i blew it. have a good summer guys.