[30DNC] Day 2: Your favorite member

Aug 10, 2016 19:22

My love for Keii-chan is the tenderest.
I like Massu the way I like elephants... Okay, I mean, I love him to pieces, feel happy, secure and infinitely curious just thinking about him.
My love for Tegoshi is like a tree that keeps growing and isn't afraid of any hurricane (= whatever annoying stuff he says or does %D).
As for Shigelove, 'deep' and 'hopeless' are the first words that come to mind. In polls/surveys I usually choose "4nin" when asked about the favorite member, but if Ihave to name only one of them, that would be Kato Shigeaki.

The post is threatening to come out of hand and become a clumsy listing of the facts that are obvious to any NEWS fan (like, that he's smart, endearing, has a lot of hobbies, a voice of pure magic and great sense of humour, writes books and songs), but I'll try to keep it brief.

A kanji that Shige chose to express himself is "yaburu", which means "to break, to tear apart". That event took place last summer, but I think it's still relevant. New horizons, new challenges and experiences, constant hard work for the sake of becoming a person whom he can be proud of, a real pro, a well-rounded and caring individual, - that's what seems to be essential for him. An idol is basically somebody who is a good role model for you, right? In that sense, he is totally my idol. I'm a coward, I hate changes, but looking at Shige I can always remember why it's so important to make them happen. We have very different tastes and personalities, so he is one of the people who help me broaden my world. I cannot thank him enough for this fact alone.
Oh, right, but we're both left-handed! One thing in common, yay xD


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