Wink Up 2015/03: Question 10

Mar 16, 2015 11:27

The translation of Question 10 from the February issue was kindly shared by massu74

Q1.What do you show most of the time playing janken (rock-paper-scissors)?
K: Scissors. And I often lose with it.
M: Rock.
S: Paper.
T: Rock.

Q2.What's the percentage of you acting spoilt?
K: 96%.
M: 68%.
S: 50%.
T: 0 or 100%. When I'm around people whom I don't know well, it's 0, with people whom I trust it's 100.

Q3.What clothes used to be your favourite in your childhood days?
K: A white parka.
M: It had tiger print on the front.
S: Camouflage pants.
T: It had Tamagotchi print.

Q4.Compare your heart with some material object (like glass).
K: A soap bubble. Easy to burst, but easy to blow again, too.
M: Suama (sweet rice cake).
S: Glass, maybe? I don't know...
T: Steel. Or diamond. The hardest substances out there.

Q5.Do you properly try clothes on before buying them?
K: Yes.
M: 50/50, I think, there are times when I don't.
S: Yes.
T: No. Well, I might put them on for a quick check. (sorry, got confused here)

Q6."More than the third meal of the day, I love OO".
K: My phone.
M: Meals are #1!
S: Fishing.
T: Soccer.

Q7. OO-gathering. What meeting would you like to participate in?
K: "Koyama-kai" (a cirlce of friends he mentioned on j-web, if I'm not mistaken). There are times when they hang out without me! (lol)
M: Women-only party. I wonder what they talk about~
S: Class reunion.
T: Hunting party. It's about a certain game.

Q8.You found out about a surprise someone's been preparing. How will you react?
K: Pretend I don't know anything.
M: It would bug me, a lot.
S: Try to play along.
T: Pretend I didn't notice it.

Q9.How would you express NEWS passion for 2015 in onomatopoeia?
K: Gya! Sounds like "Gaa" or "Uwaa" are fitting, too.
M: Ora-ora-ora!
S: Busha!
T: Bachin!

Q10. Please, draw a feudal lord (tono-sama)!

The photo task this month was some kind of continuation for the main interview+photoset "Realistic Morning": to take a selfie showing how they really look like when they wake up.
Keii-chan: "My eyes refuse to open in the morning, I just peek through the eye-lashes a bit".

credit for the scans: inala-san

translation: text

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