Wink Up 2014/09: Question 10

Aug 16, 2014 16:47

Q1. What sweet food is your favourite?
M: Castella.
S: Nashi (apple pears)
T: Mont Blanc.

Q2. For how many days in a row would you be able to eat your favourite dish?
K: For about 4 days. My favourite is sushi!
M: Every day! My favourite is chicken.
S: For about 2 days, if I get into the mood. I like... udon.
T: I think, for a week. Grilled conger eel or sushi.

Q3. What dish is your forte if you want to cook something for a guest?
K: Omelette rice.
M: Curry.
S: Rice with minced sea bream (taimeshi)
T: I hardly ever cook, but... Mapodoufu.

Q4. Based on what would you feel immediately that in front of you is "The Girl"?
K: If we talk about outfits as well, then it's transparent clothes (xD)
M: Hair.
S: Isn't it the eyes?
T: Her eyes, I think?

Q5. If you wanted to poke fun at your girlfriend in a cute manner, what would you do?
K: Hug her from behind when she least expects it, so that she lets out a "Wah!"
M: Tell lies on April Fool day.
S: Come from behind and touch her cheek with a cold drink.
T: Classics: hide somewhere and then appear out of the blue, startling her.

Q6. Your longest phone call lasts for...?
K: About 15 min.
M: 1 hour, I think.
S: About 10 min.
T: About 3 hours.

Q7. Please, think about any Johnny's. Who is the first to come to your mind?
K: Shige <3
M: Nakamaru-kun (not sure why, but he says "Nakamura-kun" first... Massu-the-tease? :))
S: Nagase-kun.
T: (Domoto) Tsuyoshi-kun.

Q8. Other person might think, "But it can wait...", but what things you just have to do even when you're pressed for time?
K: Cleaning. A thorough one at that.
M: Browsing shops for clothes.
S: Watering houseplants.
T: Tidying my apartment. Once I start, I won't feel satisfied until it's finished.

Q9. No matter if it comes true or not, ask something from the person who is sitting on your right.
K: Please, give me your favourite sunglasses.
M: I want to see Shige with a crew-cut/shaved head (bouzu)
S: I want a super-fancy espresso machine. Looking forward to getting it as a birthday present!
T: Please, pay for my food expenses for 1 year.

Q10. Please, draw a ninja!

Tegoshi's ninja is jumping with 'pyon-pyon'... and somehow resembles a yogi

As they had promised, WU-san published Koyama's selfie for the previous theme: "Pull a weird face that would make your girlfriend let out a giggle". Another meaning behind his expression is said to be: "WU, I'm a bit mad at you" (first photo on the right)

Keii-chan was also in charge of taking the photos for this issue and commenting on them.
(comments from left to right)
"5 seconds before the kiss"
"Summer man!"
"Tegoshi's way of pinning a girl to the wall so that she can't escape"
"A busy boyfriend not paying attention"

credit for the scans: inala-san

translation: text

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