Dec 10, 2008 18:50
Lo and behold, what I see as I find myself out for a burger. Mistletoe? How trite. But a kiss is oh-so-sweet, is it not~?
Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged!
Give me my sin again.
And let no one say that I, Papi~llon ♥, kiss by the book. ♥
[ooc; open action post for anyone who wants to be kissed by Papillon. 8D; He'll be a great kisser, but his kiss will be tinged with his own blood. So, uh, have at it? 8D Though journal is cool too, for everyone who wants to WTF from a distance! X3]
kissy kissy,
licky licky,
blood vomit,
likes the taste of blood,
quoting shakespeare,
outdoing u,
she will be loved?,
not like you other homunculi,
in ur city eatin ur burgers,
hearts and sparkles,
very elegant,
i feel pretty and witty and gay