[ ♥ 045 ][ beauty in all ways ][ video post ]

Mar 17, 2009 21:32

[See a Papillon in the bathtub full of green beer, spraying a lathery jet of said alcoholic beverage from the shower head onto his hair.]

How wonderful~! ♥
Did you, ci~ti~zens, know that beer is good for the hair~?

I shall revel in the natural conditioner~! ♥

Not to mention that it is delicious~! ♥ I do love the green color~! So vibrant!

where is my catsuit, chatting you up, st. patrick's day, curse, i am so pretty, wtf, vain papi is vain, affected, not like you other homunculi, hearts and sparkles, very elegant, i feel pretty and witty and gay, post-curse

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