Get to know me!

Apr 23, 2009 19:29

Read this long ass survey I filled out!

-Longest relationship:  Four years and four months.
-How many boyfriends/girlfriends have told you that they loved you? All three of them.
-How many of them meant it when they said they loved you? All three of them, or so I'd like to think...
-Have you ever thought you were going to marry the person you were with? Yes, all three times. What? I'm a hopeless romantic!
-Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt? Yes: George.
-Have you ever made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? Yes, I know I have made Nick cry. I made George tear up before, but I can't say that I have ever seen him really cry.
-Are you happier single or in a relationship? I haven't been single long enough to matter since I was twelve, so I couldn't really say.
-Have you ever been cheated on? Nope.
-Have you ever had your heart broken? Who hasn't?
-Have you ever broken someone's heart? Yes.
-Talk to any of your ex's? Occasionally.
-Think any of your ex's still feel the same way they did about you when you were dating? I don't know, but for their sakes (and their boyfriends/girlfriends), I hope not.
-Do you believe that you are a good boyfriend/girlfriend? I have done the best I could.
-Ever dated someone that wasn't good to you? Nope, I have been fortunate enough to only date awesome men.
-Have you been in an abusive relationship? Not with a boyfriend.
-Have you dated someone older than you? Two of the three.
-Dated someone younger than you? Roy was younger than me.
-Do you regret anything that you have or haven't done with a boyfriend/girlfriend? Sometimes.
-Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? It depends on the circumstance.
-Ever dated two people at once? Yes.
-Ever been given an engagement ring? Yes, two.
-Do you have something to say to any of your ex's? Thank you.
-Ever stolen someone’s boyfriend/girlfriend? Not intentionally...
-Ever liked someone else's boyfriend/girlfriend? Guilty, but I didn't know his girlfriend.
-Does heartbreak really feel as bad as it sounds? No, it feels worse.

Name: Jen, Motley, Jeffy, or just J.
Birth Date: March 25th
Current Location: My apartment in Richmond, Virginia, in the U S of A.
Hair Color: Black tips, brown/blonde roots.
Righty/Lefty: A little lefty but always right.

Your fear: The eyes on potatoes, getting hit by a car, disappointing my dad, not making rent.
Your dream of the perfect date: Dinner & a movie at home, quiet night in bed, or a tub big enough for two.
Goal you'd like to achieve: Become a chef, or publish a novel.
Your best friend: n/a, I don't choose favorites

Your thoughts first waking up: I must be dreaming...
Your best physical feature: My hands, my eyes.
Your bed time: 10pm-12am.
Your most missed memory: My momma.

Pepsi or Coke: Coke, but I haven't had any soda in WEEKS.
McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King, but I haven't had any in WEEKS.
Single or Group Dates: I don't care, I haven't been out in WEEKS.
Adidas or Nike: barefoot
Chocolate or Vanilla: Yes.
Cappuccino or Coffee: Neither, they are both coffee, what the fuck.

Smoke: Nope, I am allergic.
Cuss: Like a sailor.
Take showers: Yes, baths are GROSS.
Have a crush: No, but I'd like one (orange soda lol)
Like(d) school: Yeah, I actually enjoyed Junior/Senior year, considering.
Believe in yourself: Most of the time, but when the depression sets, it is crushing.
Believe what goes around comes around: I believe that what you send comes back.
Believe everything happens for a reason: What goes up must come down.
Think you're a health freak: My fat ass... HAHAHAHAHA.

Gone to the mall: Nope, too broke.
Been on stage: Nope.
Eaten sushi: No, I don't dig seaweed.
Been hurt: Yeah, my job is dangerous!!
Dyed your hair: No, I'm letting the black grow out.

Played a stripping game: Yeah, I played strip Magic. Hahaha, that was the best invention ever. xD
Kissed the same sex: Actually yes...
Got beaten up: No, I always win!
Changed who you were to fit in: No, I was raised to be better than that (I just wish my sister got the message).

Age you're hoping to be married by: September.
Number of kids you're planning on having: One or two.

Best eye color: Any.
Best hair color: Anything but blonde.
Short or long hair: Depends on the guy, but I love George's long, curly hair!
Looks or personality: Mostly personality, because the way they look to me is influenced by the way they act.
Fun or serious: Exciting!

1 MINUTE AGO: This survey, it's long!
1 HOUR AGO: Browsing FurAffinity.
1 WEEK AGO: Probably watching Peach Girl or reading Deception Point.
1 YEAR AGO: Working at Kroger.

I FEEL: restless.
I HATE: working my ass off and still having no money.
I HIDE: my anxiety.
I NEED: George to get a job.
I LOVE: him, even if he is a lazy bum right now.

What is a food that you'd hate to be allergic to?: Any food, that would drive me crazy. I'm lactose intolerant and I still eat/drink dairy stuff.
What color was the last towel you used?: Cream, my favorite color EVER.
Would you prefer to date someone taller, shorter, or the same height as you? Taller men, shorter women.
When was the last time your nose bled? Years and years ago!
How old are you turning this year?: I turned 24 in March.
What is your favorite thing to snack on while watching a movie?: Sour Brite Crawlers!
Swimming pool or hot tub?: Swimming pool, but both of them are petri dishes!
Can you swim well? Well enough to survive.
What body part do you wash first in the shower?: My hair, it's on top.
Who would you allow to read your thoughts for one day? Nobody, I don't like to be open like that.
What kind of first impression do you think you make? A lot of people seem to think I'm stuck-up.
Name your last reason for using a camera? Took pictures of banana muffins.
Where was the last place you fell asleep other than your bed? On the couch while reading.
What are you excited about? Nothing, right now.
Seven days from now, will you be in a relationship? I expect to be.
Are you a happy person? I pretend to be, but really George is the optimist. I'm a realist.
When was the last time you laughed really hard & why? At Charlie's for game night, I don't remember what it was but it was pretty damn funny.
What are you wearing? Staples uniform... too lazy to change.
What do you want? To get out of debt and have a nice little nest egg...
Did you enjoy your weekend? I don't understand this word, week end?
Do you regret anything you've done recently? No, I don't really regret.
Is there anybody you wish you could see? Nah, I enjoy my alone time.
Have you ever kissed anyone with a name that starts with J or M? Yes, I just call him J.
How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? Two, but I'm not telling you who they are.
Do you think you’ll be married in 10 years? I think I'll be married in six or seven months.
What makes you mad most about girls? My boss is female and I want to kill her seven ways from Sunday. Other than that, I can't really say why I don't get along with most other femmes...
Have you ever been given roses? Yes, George used to buy me flowers spontaneously.
Do you even like getting flowers? I like getting anything.
What's your favorite flowers? I like dahlia, pom poms, and uh... well pretty much anything. White roses win.
Will you be in a relationship 4 months from now? In case you haven't noticed by now, I'm getting married.
Does it bother you when your friends bring up your past mistakes? My friends don't bring up mistakes because I am infallible and I have never made a mistake.
Could you go out in public looking like you do now? I do five days out of every week.
Can you be your complete self around the person you like? I am my complete self every day.
Whose the first person you texted today? I don't text... yet.
Would you move to another state to be with the person you loved? If I could afford it.
What did the last IM to make you smile say? Dunno, it's been ages since I got on AIM.
Do you ever get a text saying good morning? No, text messages cost me money and if I have to pay twenty cents for that, it will mean war.
Last movie you watched and who did you watch it with? The Spirit, watched it with George.
What are you doing tomorrow? Working at Staples, then working at Kroger, then coming home and probably doing NOTHING.
How's the weather today? It was nice, really nice, but tomorrow and Saturday it's gonna be hot as shit.
Where is the person you need most right now? In a large ceramic coffee mug in my Aunt's house in Columbia, Maryland.
What color are your eyes? Blue-gray.
Do you like poptarts? Sure.
Where will you be 12 hours from now? At Staples, countin' cash.
Is it easy for others to make you feel intimidated? Yes, very easy.
Do you know what you are going to wear tomorrow? Staples and Kroger uniforms.
Where's your girlfriend/boyfriend at? Wtf is with the grammar there. WHERE YOU AT??!!! George is at Staples.
Are you on a desktop or laptop? Desktop. I love my Dell.
Does anyone hate you for no reason? Nope, I probably gave them a good reason.
Can you make yourself cry? I try not to cry.
What are you planning to do today? My day's over, so I plan to nom on something, then go to sleep.
Play an instrument? A little bit here and there, I used to play the keyboard but I could never get my hands on one after I graduated, so I probably suck now.
Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? No.
What are your favorite colors? It depends on my mood, lately, but I really love neutral tones and earthy colors.
Where did you get the underwear you are wearing right now? Probably Wal-mart. I'm not wearing anything special today.
Have you ever kissed someone whose name starts with an R? Yep.
Have you ever passed out? I don't ... okay yes.
Are you easily confused? Oh so easily, I am blonde, you know.
Do you think you would make a good wife/husband? No better than the rest of them.
What's your favorite kind of ice cream? The cold kind.
Do you like coffee? I hate coffee, hate the taste, hate the smell, et cetera.
Do you like summer? I like one week of Summer, in August.
Have you ever liked someone who treated you like crap? Yeah, kind of recently, too.
Is your current hair color mostly your natural hair color? It's about 50/50 right now.
What color are your socks? White, with a breast cancer ribbon on the cuff.
Where were you at 8am this morning? At work, where I spend most of my life.
Do you fall for people easily? Too easily.
Everything happens for a reason? Didn't you ask this already?
Have you ever dated someone more than once? No, anytime I had a chance to go back, the other person was otherwise involved.
Who have you texted in the last 24 hours? Nobody.
Last thing you got in the mail? Some crap for insurance on my non-existant vehicle.
What is your current crave? Love.
What color nail polish is on your toes? None right now, but when they are painted, I usually do one foot in black and the other in white.
Do you find members of the preferred sex confusing? No, I understand them better than women, a
When is the last time you saw number 2 on your top friends? The second person on my LJ friend list is George! Imagine that! I saw him when I left Staples.
What are you listening to right now? Boys II Men. HAHAHAHA.... don't laugh at me. =(
How has the week been? Stupid.
What do you like about the person you like? Everything, except that he is not winning the bread! HE NEEDS TO GET OUT THERE AND EARN HIS CORNBREAD.
Is there something you wish you could tell someone but can't? Yes.
What are your biggest turn offs? Dirty people! Take a shower!
Favorite shirt to wear? My Panthers jersey, but it's falling apart! =(
Favorite drink? That blue AMP is pretty awesome, and so is the yellow, but OJ wins.
Last person to say 'I love you' to you? Winamp.
Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? I suppose, if I really had to.
What's your favorite color gummy bear? The red/cherry ones.
What is the nicest part of the opposite sex's body? Hands, really, I have a thing for them.
Have you ever run into a dishwasher? Pfffffffft lol what?! No, but parked cars..!
Ever had a song sung about/for you? Yes, god damn it is the most romantic thing ever. Sing to me and I will have sex with you.
Is there a baby in the room with you right now? NO.
Do you know how to dance? I don't wanna be a chicken, I don't wanna be a duck, so kiss my butt!
Where do you sing the most, in the car, the shower or other? Yes, loudly and off-key.
What is your favorite thing that is green? Outside.
What did your last text message say? The amount of money deposited into my checking account from Kroger.
What is the way to your heart? Through my stomach, obviously.
What do you smell like? According to George, I smell like vanilla, even when I'm not wearing any body spray.
What's in your pocket? Nothin', the pockets in these pants fail.
Anything in your mouth? Crooked teeth.
Ever hurt yourself playing Wii? Nope, and I've even played it drunk!
Do you have freckles? I get them in the summer.
How many languages can you say "Hello" in? Enough.
What's the last movie you saw in the theater? Watchmen.
Ever jumped/fallen/been pushed in a pool with your clothes on? Yeah, it was not cool, as I was in my goth phase and was wearing a LOT of clothes/chains/et cetera.
Are you wearing any clothes that you wore yesterday? Yeah, I wear this uniform every day Wednesday-Sunday.
Name a song that you know all the words to: Falling Down, from Labyrinth, sung by David Bowie/Goblin King
What's the last thing you watched on TV? Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni
What's the last video game you played? Chrono Trigger DS.
Can you do the alphabet in sign language? Yes!
Do you wear glasses? No, I wish I did... glasses are hot.
What can you hear right now? Some house/techno/trance song.
Did you feel better or worse or the same yesterday? I would say worse, because now I am hungry, but yesterday we had food.
What was your favorite childhood show? It varied. WCW Nitro, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sailor Moon, Pirates of Dark Water, Dragon Ball Z...
Are you close to your siblings? When she wants to be close to me.
Do you bite your nails? Only when they get too long and I can't find the clippers.
Do you like your feet? Yes, my feet are sexy!
Do you sleep well at night? Sometimes.

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