(no subject)

Jun 07, 2007 09:43

hey check it out, I'm updating!!

Been rather busy lately. Saturday we had a car wash at Timmy's for the Kiddies Foundation. Raised 54.25$ and mainly washed our own cars :p Sunday I worked then had lunch [mmm...Thai] then passed out until 10:30, got my stuff ready for work on Monday and passed out again. Monday I worked, left early to watch little Miss Vi for a bit. Had some dinner with the JaketyPoo, the Jen-a-Boo, Letta and Oaks. After that I went to the Steely Dan concert with Kevin...can we say awesome? Yes we can. Tuesday I had class then afterwards did some running around and went to Timmy's to setup for Camp Day. Left around 2am-ish, went to bed around 5am-ish, woke up late for my doctor's appointment but still got in there. I got my mole sliced off and I saw the sexy little thing [mmm...chunk of skin]. Then I went over to Timmy's to find that all of balloons had been popped [they were supposed to, it was a game] but the employees were wearing some of the prizes...which made me slightly angry. Hung around for a bit, Jessica came to visit YAY!!! We had a pie toss which consisted of Jessica throwing pies at me, then me throwing pies at Jana, Jana cleaning up and me throwing more pies at her. It was fun :) I'm really relieved that it's over and I don't feel like it was so lame because we more than doubled the total of last year's donations and we overshot our goal by more than 500 dollars.

After work, I stopped by the other Timmy's to check out their stuff, then went home. Mim's dance recital was last night so I did her hair and makeup and went to go see her. She was awesome, the best in her row. She also led the three dances she was in. I'm so proud of her to get up on stage and perform again. I love my Mimmy. Took her out to dinner then crashed. Yesterday was also Dad's birthday but he had to work and go to dress rehearsal for Grease.

Today I have class. Tomorrow I work, rest, then work again. Saturday I work then will probably go to see Grease since it's my only chance. Sunday I work and then am going to the Detroit Festival of the Arts [I wanted to go both Saturday and Sunday]. Monday is another work day, Tuesday is more school, but I'll be leaving for Elliot's that night and then we'll be stopping by to see Grandma on Wednesday.

fun fun

well kiddies that's what's been going on lately. Not too exciting, but that's my life.


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