I think I'm becoming a fan of these short, point-form posts. Keeps me from overthinking things too much.
My PC blew up last week. The power supply or motherboard is shot. The thing won't even turn on now. Frankly, I'm not that upset. The only thing in it worth saving is the 500 gig hard drive. My plan is to go without it for a while. The iMac I bought should suffice. Down the line I might replace it, like say when Half-Life 2: Ep3 comes out.
Valentine's Day was Saturday. Didn't notice in the slightest. Was in Woodstock with my best friend Eric and my folks eating prime rib and drinking all weekend. Eric and I played Super Mario Bros. Wii start to finish over the course of the whole weekend. Huzzah for our man-boy indulgences and the fun they've been giving us for the last fifteen years.
Last night was hang-outs with
drama_freak and
mai_sheri. Nice of the gals to keep me company so late in the evening before the work week starts up again. Got Amanda hooked on Heavy Rain. I love it when girls get excited about things that are related to my hobbies. I wish that happened more often.
After my first day back at work, everything bad that missed on V.Day seemed to come crashing down on me. No real reason in the world to feel down... but I do. I think it's spending all day with the guys I work with. We all get along but we're all different. None of them really "get" me. Maybe it's withdrawl from spending the weekend with Eric, one of the few people I know who does "get" me.
I wish more people "got" me.