Jul 18, 2006 00:24
yes. the long awaited SONSHINE UPDATE. my friends this is a good one
Got there around 12:30-1 ish. We all just walked around went through the civic center got our tents and so on since the concerts didnt start until 6. At like 5 we saw a bunch of dark clouds coming...DUN DUN DUN. Then at 6 during Decifer Down it started raining a little. Then we went back to pile our stuff to the MIDDLE of the tent. By 6:45 it was pouring. Annie Allie Mollie and I hid like in the roof of one of those soccer tents cuz we collapsed it so it wouldnt fly away like all the other tents. mwahaha. then we popped out and this family is like "Oh girls you should probly go back to your camp site cuz it looks dangerous. so we did. Megan Alexandra and I sat in our tent, while its like half collapsing in on us, and listened to all the other girls scream. hehe then the security told us we had to go into the school cuz the storm was sooooooo bad. so ALL of sonshine aka like 20 thousand people ran through the pouring rain into the school and piled into the locker rooms and such. it was hot and icky. and people were all like getting hurt and sick and this one lady had a seizure. :o people brought their guitars tho so we sang songs. then at like 9 or something after being in there for a super long time we went back out and it pretty much looked like katrina struck minnesota. BUT OUR TENT DIDNT GET WET AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all the other tents had like an inch of water in them. :] YAY FOR MY TENT. The rest of the night we just sat around and talked and we found jordan from indiana and yeah went to bed at 1. yippie.
Got up at 8. Walked around cuz the bands dont start til 12. At like 1030 we left for Green Lake Beach. We stayted there til 230 and went to DQ and stuff. It was sweet. We got back and me and annie bought Hawk Nelson t-shirts then went to their concert. AHHHHHHHHHHHH jason is very very attractive. yep we get suuuuuper close. then after that we stood in line for liek an hour and got their autographs. sooo pretty much we met them YEAH! suck it. Then it wa like 90 or more degrees so we chilled at the campsite under the tarp and eyah. Jordan went backstage for us and took a pic of lauren smith on a sitck and MATT THEISSEN FROM RELIENT K. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh. yay jordan. :] then we waited and watched david crowder band and RK was at like 830. AHHHHHHHHHHh again we got soooooooooooooooooo close i got some sweet pics i might add. i love RK soo its awesome as heck. then after THAT concert we saw third day. they were also really good. and we chilled by the tents and stuff and me and annie p made a sweet handshake and tehn we sang songs and stuff and thenwent to bed around the same time.
Got up at 7:45. Walked around again. Mrs Cumming said it was supposed to have a heat index of 105 soo obviously we went to the beach. the bus left at 10 but me and alicia and annie went in her moms carso we left at liek 10:30. but we didnt want to walk there so jordan got a golf cart and drove us to the car :] again, yay jordan.we stayed there until liek 145 and then annie allie mollie abby and I wanted REAL showers so alicias mom took us back to the hotel and we all took showers and some other girls came too. we stayed thier until liek 430 and ate popcorn and watched TV cuz becky cumming said it was WAY too hott and people were feeling sick so stay at the hotel as long as possible. so we did. then we went back and ate dinner and sat and talked and played games and stuff. THEN we watched audio adrenaline chris tomlin and the FINAL band toby mac! yaaaaaaaaaaay. toby mac had this liek HUGE ball and it was liek 16 ft in diameter and it was really really cool. then we talked and stuff as a group and went insane and went to bed at liek 2. we saw lightning in the distance so we moved everything to the middle of our tent AGAIN. then at liek 230 it started raining :[ wahh my side of the ten was getting kinda wet so me and megan e moved everything to the middle and we both slept on my single size bed air matress. hahaha.
SUNDAY: they woke us yp at 7. ARRRRRRRG! which was annoying. we got everything packed and stuff then it started raining AGAIN ugggggggggggggggggh. we packed up teh tent and everything tho. then we left at like 9 or something or liek 930. the bus was boring and liek everyone napped and played MASH(co).yay we also stopped at mcdonalds liek we did on the way there. then we got back to church at like 1 or 1230 or something like that. then i decided i wish i was still at sonshine
ill upload my pics to photobucket or something and put a link on here. and everyone should do the same! yayyy
the real end.
pretty sure i have no clue how to work LJ sooooooo it put liek 50 cuts on here...BUT if anyone wants to teach me how to work it that'd be super duper cool!