A lot of my icons/graphics are created with the help of some really awesome screencaps and editing tools. However, an equal number of my icons do use textures that others have created. Thanks for creating these awesome resources! If you think I've used one of your textures without crediting you, feel free to let me know in the comments. I try to credit users even if I've only used one or two of their textures. This used to be alphabatized but that didn't last for long, lol :)
On DeviantArt, Tumblr, etc
juliavanzanten | pdfootsumblr |
vegapsdsal-batal |
masterjinn |
RandBGraphics |
reguarjanewhite-bamboo |
crazykira-resources On livejournal:
12feethigh |
absolutelybatty |
banquierblue_emotion |
brutal |
burnedbreadsdanseur_lion |
dearest |
firsttimeladyhappy-harper13 |
innocent_lexys |
insanefrayjoel_le |
juanxyo | layingblame
likealight |
littlelights |
lookslikerainlumsx |
madeofstone |
makaroshmidnight_road |
mm3butterfly | munrikki
neke |
pamkips |
rebelscoobyatemysnaxshoqoladtinebrella |
toktoks |
tragic_iconsvetica |
violateraindrop |
vividtruthwicked-fate |
queen_bartonia |
raiindustnightbulbs |
fuuurs |
endearest barstr7 |
shoqolad |
tragic_icons Screencaps:
screencapped.netcap_itgrande_capsinadream_capsmidnight_road kanarek13google images
we heart it
updated 3/19/2015