Title: Les Vacances noires
Scene Title: La Fuite
Progress: WIP
"On est paumés!"
Kid looked to Chat Noir with an amused grin. "I thought you knew your city like the back of your hand," he couldn't help but to tease.
"I would suggest ferme ta gueule, monsieur Kaitou Kid," replied the female ex-thief sweetly.
The thief in white couldn't help but to laugh. "I have no idea exactly what that means," he said lightly, "which obviously means I need some French lessons."
Now the one in black seemed more in the right spirit of things by letting out a short laugh and offering, "I am not much of a teacher, but I could be of some assistance in that aspect." She then paused, obviously amused with her own thoughts, and added, "The modern-day Lupin not knowing his inherate tongue. Mon Dieu."
"Now that term I know," said Kid with obvious humor.