Um. Yes. *angstangstangstityangst*
I shall not bother thou with my hopeless, pointless angsting. I have had enough with it myself. What's going to happen is going to happen, let it be. *plucks new white hairs and throws them away*
All that can happen is get better later.
Anyyyyway. New drabbles, but not a complete subset of five, the other three are late and were pushed aside by nasty french homework. *tsktsk* Which I fell asleep on (LITERALLY- LOOK, DROOL STAINS ._.) so I'll have to finish that and type the rest tomorrow.
brightstolightsbrightstolightsbrightstolightsbrightstolightsbrightstolightsbrightstolightsbrightstolightsbrightstolightsbrightstolightsbrightstolightsbrightstolightsbrightstolightsbrightstolightsbrightstolightsbrightstolightsbrightstolights*is working on layout now* :D
Shall share more there. >____<
Aiba 076: Secrets
When the first things Hiroki sees when he gets home is Shirota in the kitchen, cooking dinner for the both of them, the stab of guilt is strong enough to warrant a "Tadaima" kiss, and a smile while he asks how his day went.
Later on, Hiroki wonders What The Hell, as Shirota prepares the both of them hot chocolate, squeezes onto the couch, and asks him If Everything Is Alright.
Aiba 077: Betrayal
When Shirota is recording his Best Actor's Series CD, Hiroki finds himself increasingly in Kazuki's company. It is only when Shirota gives him a call that he realizes that Kazuki's supposed to be in the studio with him.
"Ano... I'm outside. I guess Ill pick up some cold medicine and drp by his apartment." he mumbles, watching Kazuki come back with two ice cream cones.
^__________^ Sharing amkes me happy, oddly enough. It seems I have been building a complex that I didn't even know about.