May 08, 2007 23:42
If I were to do that plus minus thing, today would be ALL MINUSES.
- Fuck my throat feels like someone scoured it with steel wool.
- Fuck I am so goddamn bored and have been on the computer messaging random people on myspace for at least an hour.
- Fuck my room is so fucking hot and it's not even summer yet.
- Fuck my family is in the pissiest mood so going downstairs is like walking into a blast furnace.
- Fuck I sent out about 20 resumes each with a customized cover letter that took forever to write and I haven't heard anything yet.
- Fuck I spend the entire day literally doing nothing because I have no transpo and no money. Somehow my bike disappeared while I was in Japan as well.
This sucks! Goddammitall I am going out this weekend and blowing off so much steam. What's happening? Anyone know of anything going on?
Coming back to Ottawa has been so un-be-lievably lonely and depressing. FUCK FUCK FUCK.