OK so I haven't updated in a month and a lot has happened so I guess I should mention shit:
Well I feel like an era in my life is ending and the remaining months until my exodus will be a sort of transition period. Thankfully, those months will be filled with fruitful effort, as I will be acquiring, what they call, "mad cash" washing the windows of the elderly (cause lord knows that demographic ain't just good for the candy). I can already hear my massive debt cry in pain as it shrinks away into nonexistance.
The amount of death that has occured in such a short period of time has been pretty shocking as well. A good portion of my busiest week in school was spent in Glengary county attending my grandmother's wake/funeral/inurnment. I got to meet a large chunk of relatives I never knew existed, and, judging by their quivering handshakes and wobbley gaits, I probably shouldn't retire the funeral attire back into the closet too soon if you know what I mean. Man were they ever loud though. And they also liked talking really close to your face. One particular great uncle told me a story of how a bunch of his black employees in the 50s were slamming down dominos really loudly while on break so he threw the table over and yelled at them all. I guess he figured I'd be impressed by this? But yeah, I dunno, I wasn't struck too hard by this loss because she died in essentially the best way possible. She passed out on the dancefloor and died shortly after, which is seriously the best way to go. I hope I end up dying that way instead of some long, drawn out process involving respirators and tubes and all sorts of other ghastly instruments and operations.
Then of course, not even a week later my cat died, which to some is like "so what", but honestly until you've bought, raised and loved an animal for 14 years, you'll have no idea what it's like to lose one. I was pretty bummed out about that. He was suffering a lot and I didn't want to wait until everyone's schedules miraculously aligned so we could all go in together when he got put to sleep, so I told my family to go without me. I'd rather him be put out of his misery as soon as possible instead of prolonging it for some silly family ritual. I also happened to come across this
absolutely adorable picture of him licking dew off of some patio chairs while looking for the picture in my last entry.
In a trivial bit of news, I rearranged all of the furniture in my room. My computer desk is in front of the window which overlooks my court. On sunny days like this it's nice to look outside at all the activity happening. Just now seven squirrels all ran out into the middle of the court simultaneously and had some kind of fight/game of tag. It was unbelievable.
I also got my passport in the mail. Everything's coming along quite nicely.
As mentioned before, "death week" also happened to be my busiest week of school, with over 20 pages of essays due and a Japanese final (which I absolutely bombed). It was absolutely crazy how much crap I had to deal with and shit I had to do. I'm pretty sure I could have walked right by a murder scene and not batted an eye I was so focused on my own ordeals. I somehow got it all done without bartering death certificates for extensions so it's smooth sailing from here on in. This summer better pick me up by the nape of the neck and make me have fun.
So yeah, it totally feels like an era of my life has ended, as everything and everyone around my house seems somehow different. I'm glad that at least
one thing has remained consistant. I tried to keep this entry short cause no one likes reading long entries but it's been a while and for once, I had something worthwhile to talk about.