Friday Puzzle #18 - Battleship Fillomino

Oct 09, 2009 00:01

Battleships was the first puzzle that ever caught my interest, many, many years ago, and even after most of the novelty of the stand-alone puzzle has been lost, I have enjoyed exploring the combination of this type with other puzzles. My patented gimmick of numbering the ship segments allows for easy combinations with various number puzzles, and I attempt here another such feat with one of my favored Nikoli styles.

Rules: Place the indicated ships into each grid, not touching each other even diagonally, so that the numbers outside the grid represent the number of ship segments in the given row/column. Also, fill each cell with an integer so that each integer is part of an orthogonally connected region containing the same number of equally valued cells as the value of that integer. The numbers on the ships must be true to the "key" provided outside the grid, but ships can rotate and left/right reordering of numbers is therefore possible. None of the given numbers in the grid are a part of any ship.

So, a solution will look like this:

Here are two puzzles, both different explorations of how this kind of type can work with a different interplay of battleships and fillomino in each.

battleship, fridaypuzzle, fillomino

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