This has been a quite busy and stressful month for me; if you look at this puzzle you might think I'm living 24 hours at a time, with my problems multiplying every day, but that might be reading too much into things.
This week I wanted to revisit a great puzzle type
Grant Fikes created for the
USPC (before I pre-released one
here before the test). Grant and Palmer Mebane have a phenomenal "
Fillomino-Fillia 2" contest this weekend that you really must check out (full disclosure: I was a test solver), but get to solving this puzzle first.
Rules: Draw a single closed loop along the grid lines that contains all the numbered squares and does not touch itself, not even at a point. Each given number is the product of two numbers: the number of interior squares that are directly in line vertically with that number's square (including the square itself) times the number of interior squares that are directly in line horizontally with that number's square (again, including that square itself).