Friday Puzzle #106 - IPC Puzzles

Jun 17, 2011 00:06

Father's Day weekend, at least in the past, brought the US Puzzle Championship, one of the real highlights of the puzzling year. But just as last year, the USPC is delayed to an unannounced but likely mid-August date. So there is some more time to prepare for this year's competition. Over the next several weeks I'll feature "standard" USPC puzzles in the different genres and point levels, making a set of puzzles you could call my TSPC if I actually bothered to write the puzzles and not compete. If you have any favorite ideas or specific puzzle types you want me to construct, please share your desires with me here or by private message.

For this week's Friday Puzzle I thought I'd kick off the pre-USPC puzzles with four puzzles I contributed to last weekend's Indian Puzzle Championship. They are easier than my normal fare, but were designed to be 3-5 minute puzzle sets for the better IPC solvers. After checking these out, check out the rest of the IPC. (Indian Sudoku Championship puzzles are available too.)

Turning Points:

Rules: Draw paths that connect every pair of numbers, using every cell in the grid in exactly one path. The path connecting each number N must contain exactly N turns.

Digit Battleships:

Rules: Locate the indicated fleet in the grid; each segment of a ship occupies a single cell and ships are oriented vertically or horizontally. Ships may not touch each other, not even diagonally. Each segment of each ship is labeled with a number as in the fleet diagram, and the numbers on the right/bottom of the grid indicate the sum of all the numbers present in that row/column.

competition, numberlink, battleship, fridaypuzzle

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