Feb 26, 2006 01:42
I never know how to start these things, or finish them once I've finally got them started. That's quite a nice way of summing up my life actually - it takes me ages to get motivated but once I am I'm unstoppable. Until one of life's little inconveniences throws itself in my path.
I've called this thing 4.20 FTW: Adventures on the Downward Spiral. 4.20 FTW is a personal reference which friends will get...yes it has that connotation but also means something more personal. Adventures on the Downward Spiral is pretty self explanatory - it's where I'm headed and to be honest, I love it. I wouldn't have it any other way. After years of struggling with myself I've realised that all I want to do is live, no matter how hard, miserable or bad it gets.
This entry has probably made me come across as pretentious as all fuck, which I assure you I am not. You'll come to see that. Promise ^_^.