Nov 27, 2005 23:22
::10 firsts::
10. First best friend: Ashley Downey Easter
9. First screen name: acegirl..somenumbers
8. First pet: fish. jeremiah
7. First piercing: my ears when i was a baby
6. First crush: Michael Jones..kindergarten
5. First music: R& particular...Candy Rain Drops by So4Real
4. First car: my parents always promised me the blue corola..but that died long before i coudl drive. so..the mirage...Dora.
3. First real love: first REAL love...erik fox.
2. First school: some day care..and after that Cathedral school.
1. First house location: Syracuse New York
::9 lasts::
9. Last time you smoked weed: never
8. Last time you got drunk: ooo.. halloween eve
7. Last thing you ate: a twix
6. Last car ride: home from school
5. Last movie: Just Friends with christine and Aaron
4. Last phone call: to my mom...from heather
3. Last bubble bath: ouch..probably high school
2. Last song you heard: Smiling*Op Ivy
1. Last book you read: Can You keep a secret.
::8 have you ever::
8. Have you ever dated one of your best friends: yup
7. Have you ever been arrested: nope
6. Have you ever skinny dipped: NO!
5. Have you ever been on TV: yes
4. Have you ever kissed someone and then regretted it: YES
3. Have you ever been on a blind date: no
2. Have you ever been out of the country: yes
1. Have you ever failed a class: not yet..but ask me at the end of the semester
::7 things you're wearing::
7. socks
6. underwear
5. sweatpants
4. a tshirt
3.a sweatshirt
2. glasses
1. earrings
::6 things you've done today::
6. this survey
5. drove to school
4. went to vibes
3. took pictures of my dad
2. went to church
1. took a nap
::5 favorite things in no particular order::
5. sleeping
4. food
3. being lazy
2. friends
1. familu
::4 people you can tell anything to::
4. my mom
3. tracey
2. laura
1. christine
::3 choices::
1. Thong or underwear: underwear
2. Call or don't call: don't
3. Go away...or stay: go away
::2 things you want to do before you die::
2. have a happy family
1. be completly satisfied with my life.
::1 person you wanna see::
1. Ryan Reynolds.....naked....having sex with me.