Dec 08, 2005 11:44
Everyone at some point in thier lives will experiance the "Mrs Kravits" neighbor. The one who makes it her lifes work to pay attention the every intimate detail of your existance and comment on it to you and others living nearby. There is also an obssesive version of this nosey who is convinced that somehow you are in need of "advice" on how best to go about the day to day buisiness of living your life.
I have the really annoying aggressive type living across the street. Her main concern is that I somehow am incapable or correctly caring for my pets. If my cat is outside, she knocks on my door to let me know.
Mind you, I live in the suburbs and there is minimal traffic on my street.
-Is that you cat on the lawn?
- Yes, what can I do for you?
-Well, you should let her in, its bad for them outside.
-Well, are you going to let her in?!
-As soon a she's ready, are we done now?
-You're a terrible pet owner!
-Okay, thanks.
My cat does not go out when its cold or raining, comes when she's called, has all her shots and LOVES laying in the flower garden and eating grass. Under these circumstances this women has come over or yelled at us from across the street about my cat over a dozen times.
I also have a dog who is a great source of concern for this women.
He's an outside dog, so most of the time he's...outside.
She thinks he should be inside. Apparently she's never lived in a 3 bedroom house with a 90lb adolescent black lab.
Last winter she called the police twice because he was out in the snow. He was out in the snow because he saw it out the window and cried till we let him out to go play in it. By the time the cops came we'd already let him in (20 minutes is the max he's allowed out at a time when its below 20, which aggravates him to no end).
Last night I'm at the grocery store at mignight (don't ask) and I get a phone call from Buddy. She's called the cops again saying that the dog has been outside all day with no-one home, is barking and sounds like he being beaten.
Before I went to the store I let Brodie out. I asked my roommate to let him in if he started barking, otherwise I would do it when I got home (it was 32 last night).
So I get this phone call and of course leave my cart where it is and run home. Anyone who has ever heard the noises a dog makes when its in pain can understand. My roommate had left, so of course she didn't her him barking. Brodie came trotting out of his dog-house with a goofy puupy smile perfectly fine.
So I called the cops back and they left a message for animal control to get in touch with me in the morning. A very nice man called me at around 9am. I told him the situation, and explained that my pet has a house with a door and straw to keep him warm if we don't here him complaining. I apologized for the late night barking as well.
After hearing all my crazy neighbors woes, he looked up her adress and noticed that she did not have a liscence for her dog. Just to make me feel better, he went to her house and wrote her and $80 ticket.
I'm not normally vindictive, but that was pretty sweet!