Ginger beer is a mighty fine thing.

Nov 06, 2005 21:48

I had a strong urge to post, earlier, but now I'm actually sitting down at the keyboard, I can't think why. I'm currently being paid to stand around and read for sixteen hours of my weekend, but I'm not complaining. We've started painting in Art; I've done the underpainting, and it already looks cool. Just have to not fuck that up. It lead to awkward experiences trying to get someone to model for me, which means that I now have a photo of one of my classmates in my folder. Kinda weird.

I'm all psyched about my CAPP project. It's going to be all about how The Man portrays drugs, and how people need to educate themselves before using drugs. I want to do some interviews, and also compare interpretations of objective evidence (i.e. most cocaine users have used pot could mean that marijuana use leads to hard drug use, or it could mean that most heavy drug users began by using, er, lighter drugs?) I'm also considering bringing in brownies. ^_^ My teacher's a little scatterbrained.

Here comes the water.

All I knew and all I believed
are crumbling images
that no longer comfort me.
I scramble to reach higher ground,
some order and sanity,
or something to comfort me.

So I take what is mine,and hold what is mine,
suffocate what is mine, and bury what's mine.
Soon the water will come
and claim what is mine.
I must leave it behind,
and climb to a new place now.

This ground is not the rock I thought it to be.

Thought I was high, and free.
I thought I was there
divine destiny.

I was wrong.
This changes everything.

The water is rising up on me.
Thought the sun would come deliver me,
but the truth has come to punish me instead.

The ground is breaking down right under me.
Cleanse and purge me
in the water.

I feel as though I'm entering a stage where I'll have to pare myself down to the necessary core. I recognise that my concept of rebirth and progress centers around destruction of the old, and that's probably not the only way. But I want to reject, refine, rid myself of all my impurities. I feel the constant tug of old patterns, and that makes me angry with myself. I remind myself that I am only eighteen, but still, I want to have everything and be everything now. Why exist if you are not the best, the most, the highest that ever was? I need to learn contentment.

I often lament the distinct lack of snack foods in the house. Nevermind starving children in Africa, these are some severe snack needs lying unfulfilled.

You scored 10 in Malice and 29 in Chaos!

Japanese dragons, or "Ryu," are very different from their Western counterparts; where the Western dragon is typically reptilian, with a heart as cold as its blood, the dragons of the Orient actually tend to err more on the side of beneficence. This should not, however, be construed as a license to treat them with disrespect; Oriental dragons are extremely powerful beings who do not tolerate impudence.

Ryu, like the dragons of the West, are known to have a fondness for shiny objects and treasure. Some Ryu are willing to part with their treasures if they deem a mortal worthy of inheriting it. Other dragons may also, like gods, grant wishes and supernatural powers to those who seek them.

At the same time, one must be wary when dealing with dragons; some may be extremely temperamental, and others even harbor a hatred for mankind and its desecration of the earth. Most dragons are by no means evil, but must still be treated with extreme caution.

My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 5% on Malice

You scored higher than 79% on Chaos
Link: The Japanese Demon Profile Test written by Maharbal on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Indeed, you are 79% erudite, 70% sensual, 45% martial, and 62% saturnine.

This Egyptian supreme Goddess is certainly the most influential deity on subsequent cultures. She was the ideal figure of womanhood, usually compared with the Greek Goddess Demeter or her Roman version, Ceres.

Isis was one element of a Holy Trinity, the remaining two figures being her brother and husband Osiris and their heroic son Horus. She was the Goddess of Magic for her brilliance, as well as the Goddess of Love because of her tenacious devotion.

She is often shown with wings, curving to caress coffins and sarcophagi of many a king. In certain papyri she is shown with her falcon wing headdress, covering her ears. One of her sacred symbols is the sistrum, a musical instrument that was believed to ward off evil spirits. Isis' sistrum was carved bearing the image of a cat and was representative of the Moon.

Isis was the High Priestess and an omnipotent magician as well as the only being ever to discover the secret name of Ra. She invariably carries the ankh, the symbol for eternal life. Her name is, by the rules of numerology, adding up to the number “2” and she just so happens to be depicted on the tarot card “Key 2 - The High Priestess”.

The Fifteen Goddesses

These are the 15 categories of this test. If you score above average in …

…all or none of the four variables: Neit. … Erudite: Minerva. … Sensual: Aphrodite. … Martial: Artemis. … Saturnine: Persephone. … Erudite & Sensual: Isis. … Erudite & Martial: Sekhmet. … Erudite & Saturnine: Nemesis. … Sensual & Martial: Hera. … Sensual & Saturnine: Bast. … Martial & Saturnine: Ilamatecuhtli. … Erudite, Sensual & Martial: Maeve. … Erudite, Sensual & Saturnine: Freya. … Erudite, Martial & Saturnine: Sedna. … Sensual, Martial & Saturnine: Macha.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 66% on erudite

You scored higher than 48% on sensual

You scored higher than 24% on martial

You scored higher than 55% on saturnine
Link: The Mythological Goddess Test written by Nitsuki on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

* Two pseudonyms you use
Motka, Kaizou Konpaku
* Two parts of your heritage
Peaches? Scotland, methinks.
* Two things that scare you
Water and showing my emotions. Stick that in your pipe of symbolic correspondenses and smoke it.
* Two of your everyday essentials
Sketchbook/notepad and caffeine
* Two things you are wearing right now
Dirty socks and a ward against evil. Kinda similar.
* Two of your current favourite musical artists
Orange Range and Red Hot Chili Peppers
* Two of your favourite songs at the moment
Beat Ball and Grapefruit Tea
* Two things you want in a relationship, other than real love
Strong hands and intoxicating scent
* Two truths about you
I think I'm secretly angry because I'm no longer the 'man' of the house. I briefly but furvently hate strangers.
* Two things you are attracted to physically
Height, pouty lips
* Two of your favourite hobbies
What about my hobbies that I hate? Drawing, playing nameless word games.
* Two things you want really badly
To be beyond this phase of my life, and to impress people.
* Two places you want to go on vacation
Japan and Egypt
* Two ways in which you are stereotypically a girl/guy
I love my powertools, and prefer spicy scents to florals. XP
* Two things you are thinking about right now
The pain in my shoulder and tea.
* Two stores you shop at
Silk Road, Curious Comics

Yar. Apparently, I have a pain in my tea. Ew, crumbs.

capp, drugs, art, lyrics, blather, meme

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