Oh, man. Supernatural is back. As I was telling Dahlia, I think I really loved it because I came into this with low expectations. I came in thinking it was going to be more of the same s2 stuff. BUT NO, ohhh snap on me! XD
- For those of you not intimate with the sensibilities of classic rock, let me tell you what AC/DC means in the rock world: "If you're looking for anything more than straight up rock and roll, there's the door, Nancy. We don't fuck around here." Imo, S1 and S2 did a lot of fucking around with its teen boy bitchery when it should have done grown man bastard-ness. SO AC/DC IS A PERFECT ATTITUDE, PLEASE DON'T FORGET AC/DC, KRIPKE.
- I shrieked when I saw the new title card. I don't even remember the last time I screamed over something on tv. Meh to squee in zero seconds.
- Whooa, whoa, whoa. Did they hire a new editor? Because DAMN, this shit is cut like 24 carats.
- omg, a long, one shot that swirls around them as they talk, and not during a dramatic moment. I do not remember seeing this before on spn. Way to bring the A Game, Manners!
- Could Jensen BE any more hotter? And is there such a thing as saying that too many times?
- LOL, leave it to Kripke to make a joke about women and shoes in a violent manner.
- Bobby's cool and all, but I miss Ellen.
- Supernatural is always putting on the hottest jackets on their girls. I want the New Girl's jacket the way that woman wanted those shoes.
- Bobby: "Spilled a glass of holy water on her, just to be sure." 10 bucks says Bobby 'accidentally' spilled it in bra cup territory.
- Bobby: "The seven deadly sins! live and in the flesh!" This line sounds like some twisted circus announcer, and it is awesome.
- "WHAT'S IN THE BOOOX?": Best spn movie reference to date. *swig*
- hooollly molllee. BOBBY. yelling. Wow. Yes.
- If you're wondering how it's possible that Dean could withstand Lust's advances, it's because after fucking a thousand girls, there is no supernatural Whammy capable of making Dean believe any one pussy is that worth it.
- they didn't show the exorcism, great move, great move, since we've already seen 'em.
- A salt n' burn in the daytime, also a nice change.
If this premiere is an indication of what S3 will be like, consider me a satisfied fan, because I have been waiting two seasons for Kripke to bring out the balls. I thought this ep is way different from what we've seen before, for these reasons:
Violence/Gore: Not since the garbage disposal and throat slitting scenes have we seen something as graphic as eyeball smashing and draino chugging. This is The Ticket to getting male viewers.
Directing/Editing: It's edgier, flashier, more dynamic. The actiony, bust-out-the-popcorn look is fantastic, and what I've been waiting for.
Music: Whatever Lennertz is doing differently, I salute him.
More breathing room for the plot: In the past, it was like Sam and Dean, Sam and Dean, oh more Sam and Dean - which would have been fine if everything in the plot wasn't monotonously harping on it as well. I think this has cost us viewers, because there's barely any other reasons to watch the show. Mulder and Scully were in almost every scene of the show, too, but the thing was, not everything was about them. You were just as sucked in by Luther Bogg's "cold dark place" as you were with Scully's mental anguish. It wasn't redundant that way. I really hope this big war and the new characters will serve as something good for Sam and Dean to play against. Contrast with other elements makes characters more vibrant and substantive than just poring over the characters themselves all the time, imo. I liked having Bobby, the 7 demons, the hunters, and the New Girl all crammed in there to start S3 with a bang before getting down to business.
I think the reason SPN's pilots are so good is because it seems like the peeps have been relatively refreshed after the break (enough sleep makes Jensen look younger!), and have enough time to make it good. I've heard they have to move at light speed during the season, which I'm sure makes everything 10x more difficult to pull off. I hope they can maintain the level of the pilot, but I don't blame them a bit if they can't.
Nitpicks, I do have them: dialogue could be better, story could have been more interesting (I was bored watching it a second time). But that's usually the case in the past, too, lol, so it's not like I was expecting any differently.
Loving: the ep titles always referencing a rock song. The Clash, in this case. \o/. I love the Clash.
Choice quote:
"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son."