Just for you Mitch

Dec 13, 2004 09:00

It has been a long, long time since last we communicated everlovely people of the land of livejournal. Many an excellent thing has happened, but lets start with the first adventure of the blizzard.
Michael (co-owner/operator) and i decided early one cold sunters morn that we would go for a roadtrip of sorts. We ended up going to:
  • Fitzroy Falls
  • Kangaroo Valley (incl. half hour swim to rescue shoe lost on swing of wonder)
  • Nowra (It made sense at the time)
  • Bowral for Maccas drive-through (incl. Hill roll)
  • Joadja for foal of dermatitis
  • Hilltop, to scare the shit out of me
  • Mitch's to love the puppies (they were all there at that point...)
  • Michael's for din dins
    All in all, over 300km of driving, not too bad

Lets skip assessments and fast forward to friday evening, Heidibock stayed at my place and the boys came over and we watched Gothika, strangely scary considering the fact it is completely implausible. Saw a little dean mooning action, which was nice, then went to sleep far too late. Woke up saturday morning BEFORE the break of dawn, (see: 4:30) and stumbled into blizzard for drive to city for the mum with the mick. Dropped off the mother unit at Central station and went on our jolly way in search of mischief and mayhem, ended up at the da's place at 6:45am, my stepmother, looking radiant as usual, opened the door, scowled at us and invited us in. Turns out they had only got home at 4am from christmas parties and were extremely hung over and in high spirits. Michael and i were like "HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WE'VE BEEN UP SINCE 4:30 WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" family blackmailed us into buying mcdonalds to repay debt of waking up, letting in humble abode etc. Departed with christmas joy (almost shortbread) and started on our voyage home (to liverpool for drive-through crispy creme), arrived at casa de williams to find family at breakfast table, chatted for half an hour then realised had a guest asleep in my house of which my defacto-step-father was unaware. Crapsticks says i, and hurries into mum's (michaels mum") car. Arrive home to find Heidi bock lounging by the pool and a confused look on ian's face. Spent the remainer of the day swimming laps whilst heidi lightly toasted herself and cleaning (i hear being a house-wife is ambition these days, am i right heidi?) then got ready for m&m and left tahmoor residence. Drove in wonderful slow, calmed fashion (mitch was driving, need i say any more) to ben's house only to find we were not required for at least half an hour, after a frantic call to becs house, we arrive and settle in. Michael proceeds to (following the mum-monsters orders) make 7 trips in succession to ben's house. We are finally all assembled in ben's childhood house and after many a round of pool, and a few lost kelly balls, a little fireworks and a lot of melody pop, take our leave to the everlovely bec's house. We chat etc for a while and after a sniff of the "jellyshots" we decide to hit the sack. Mmmm, sweet sleep thinks we. At 4:30 i hear california start playing, what the crap? i answer my phone "HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!! its mitch here and andrewndrichardandiareoutsidebecshousehahahahahahahahhahahah" We open the door to find the trio completely smashed. After half an hour of grumpy looks and rubbing of eyes, the boys finally leave, and (as i have been assured) create a wonderful "artwork" on the way home. Michael messages me at 6am saying "i think i might come soon (to pick you up)" and so i get ready (go back to sleep) he comes over, i thank the lovely bec and hedibock for their presence and jet off in the baby to netWORK video for 8 hour shift of death. All in all, good time had.

Best be off, end of free period bell has tolled. Till next time,
Love Mel
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