I must have blinked

Apr 18, 2005 23:51

Wow, the show is over. Amazing. It seemed like we worked really hard, but even through each rehearsal when I would think about it, time just seemed to fly. "We're already getting off book?" "Geez, next week is performance?" "I can't believe the set is gone, after all of that."
It's depressing to see a set go down after such a fun show with a cast of my friends, that is the moment when the reality of it all being over hits hard. In this show, it actually struck me quite a bit when I walked offstage Saturday night, "wow, it's done". I have always had a bit of trouble when something I had been involved in abruptly ended, such as football when I was little. Four days a week practicing and a game on Saturday for 3 1/2 months, then all of the sudden you are at a banquet with the team celebrating the end of the season. I would feel an immense sadness that I didn't quite understand, but knew it had to do with football being gone. I feel like I anticipate these things a little more now and deal with it a lot better, but it still has a level of sadness. At least in college there are many distractions from this sort of thing, like...homework, and "not failing."
The end of this play also reminded me of how close to the end of the year it is, and that is scary. At the end of last year I thought this would be my last full year, followed by a fall semester, so I consciously came to school wanting to enjoy every moment and not look back wishing I could stay. I feel like I did a pretty good job of this, but I still can't believe how fast it's gone. Luckily for me, I've decided to stay until next April in order to get a minor, totally not because I don't want to leave yet..I mean..
Anyways this is probably getting less interesting to the general public. Basically I'm sad the play is over, but glad to have time again. I'm very sad that this year is about to come to an end, because next year will not be the same. I hope I can make the most of it and become more ready to enter the real world.
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